Chapter 3 - Marriage!?

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"Here's to our Yang Jeongin and Bang Chans marriage!" His father yells out while clinking the guests glasses.

Jeongin drops the spoon he was about to bring to his mouth. Freezing as soon as he heard the words marriage, his world practically collapsing while his parents cheer. All 4 of the boys at the end of the table in immense shock, none of them had been informed that this was the reason for this meeting.

Chan, the other person in this agreement, had his eyes wide, staring at the adults who were clinking their glasses and downing their drinks.

As soon as the wave of shock dissipates, a wave of anger flows over Jeongin. "M-marriage?"

He suddenly stands up from his seat in rage, his chair getting pushed back with a screech, "Mom dad I just turned 18!"

His parents seemed surprisingly calm in contrast to their son who was in complete crisis. Nonchalant about the fact they didn't even tell their son that they were getting him married as soon as he was of age.

His father sets down the glass he was drinking from elegantly, "Why isn't that perfect that Jeongin-ah!"

The adults laugh in agreement, while Jeongin felt like his mind was going to explode.

"Are you not seeing what's wrong with this!? I'm too young! Do you think my life is just a buisness deal?" Jeongins head was pounding. The idea was crazy to him.

"Well you were of age and this agreement will be helpful for both sides so that we can strengthen the company for our wonie to take over." His mother softly smiles. "Don't make a scene now darling. You should be glad we found you a boy instead."

"What do you mean don't make a scene!? You're telling me getting married to someone I barely know! And he's much older!?" Jeongin wasn't thinking straight anymore. He looks at Chan for any reaction but he remains frozen.

"Why he's only 24." Chan's mother brings a piece of bread to the daughter in her laps mouth.

"24!??" Jeongin felt like he was going to throw up. This was his worst nightmare.

Jay was snickering under his breath, his body thrown back onto the chair like he was getting free entertainment. Jungwon was frantically looking around and panicking at the fact he could have been somewhat of a reason why his brother was put into this situation. That poor boy couldnt handle that guilt.

Chan was staring down at his food. His mind looked blank, almost like you could push his body and he would fall to the ground like a statue.

While the little girl was brightly smiling unaware of the slice worthy tension in the atmosphere.

"The wedding's to be held in July! Perfect right?" His mother takes a sip of her drink with a grin.

This has to be a fucking prank.

"You guys are insane!" Jeongin yells out before storming away from the table and not looking back.

It took all of his power to climb the stairs without letting a tear slip. It was too overwhelming. He knew his life was over. He barely got to experience it and now he was getting married to someone he barely knows.

And they didn't even bother to tell him beforehand.

What kind of parent does that?

As soon as he opens his bedroom door, he collapses onto his bed. Letting himself release a few tears. Jeongin hadn't even graduated highschool yet. He always dreamed of a beautfiul kdrama worthy love story. And he thought he'd have enough time to experience that, to take things slow since he was just a teenager.

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