Chapter 2 - Special guests

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Jungwon sniffs loudly standing behind his brother, "Making fun of me when youre using Victoria secret?"

Jeongin turns around to send his little brother a glare, until his father interupts. "You two better stay calm this time. It's a seriously important dinner. I'm looking at you Jeongin-ah."

The older lets out a dramatic sigh. Of course they were looking at him. He was the trouble causer. The embarassment if you will.

But before he could fire back, the sound of gates opening catches their attention. The familys heads immediately returning to look at the door.

They were here.

Once more, Jeongin close his eyes and takes a deep breath as the main doors open. When he opens them, his breathing was long forgotten.

5 people walk through.

Each wearing top notch formal wear. Almost making the Yangs look poor even though they were millionaires.

Two boys walk in first. One can assume they were siblings of the family. One had a short dark black hair gelled to the side and a sharp squre jaw line.

The other boy who looked much older had dirty blonde hair with the roots grown out black. He had a more rectangular face and a wider nose.

Damn was this family attractive.

Following behind the two boys were their supposed parents. An elegant woman with long black hair and light makeup and her arm linked with a handsome older man with a greying trimmed beard.

Holding her mothers hand, a little girl in a cute dress and pigtails also walks beside them.

Jeongin almost wants to scream and squish her little cheeks. She looked about 3 or 4. When Jungwon was that age, it was told that Jeongin would pinch his cheeks constantly and he would cry.

I guess some things never change.

But he had to hold back the urge as they began to greet the guests.

Their family bows in sync

"Welcome to the Yang mansion." Their mother smiles brightly, "Pleasure to have you all. "

"Of course of course!" The woman bows in return.

Jeongin parents lead the couple and their young daughter to the dining hall.

Usually when there are kids in the guest families, the two yangs would be in charge of entertaining them.

Jungwon is the first to do so, he clears his throat, "Nice to meet you two, I'm Jungwon and I'm 15." He smiles to show off his dimples and does a full 90 degree bow

One of the boys snickers at Jungwon. In an almost mocking way, causing both of us to look in his direction. "Well aren't you a goodie two shoes." He mutters.

The older boy shoves his brother side to shut him up. He sends us a sweet smile, "Sorry about him, he's always like this." He lets out a sigh, "I'm Chan and he's Jay." Chan bows back at us.

He looks like a reliable older brother. The one who keeps his little brother in check, in this case the younger brother being the sharp-jawlines-rude-so-far jay.

"It's great to meet you two..." Jungwon trails off and turns to Jeongin, reminding the fox boy to be respectful and introduce himself as well.

"O-oh right." He mumbles, "I'm Yang Jeongin and I'm 18." The boy bows slowly.

An awkward silence falls. I mean what do you even say after you introduce eachother? Luckily sweet little Jungwon always knows just what to say.

"Well our chefs are preparing salmon tonight so I hope you'll follow us to the table." He gestures his hands in the direction their parents had gone in.

"Of course." Chan smiles brightly. He certainly seemed like the better sibling between the two. Not only was he handsome, but he emitted great vibes and overall seemed like a good person in the few minutes Jeongin had met him.

The group of four make their way to the table, taking a seat so that the yangs would be next to eachother and across from the other two. Their parents at the end of the table with the little girl in her mothers lap.

Oh damn was it hard for Jeongin not to drop everything and coo over the young girl and her cute cheeks as she takes tiny bites of bread.

But soon enough, the food was laid out. It looked absolutely delicious, almost making the boy forget about the sadness he felt over having to cancel plans with his friends for dinner. The chefs his parents had hired were no joke.

Chan sat right across from Jeongin. Honestly, the younger wasn't the best at eye contact. He simply kept his head low and focused on eating, hoping the dinner would end as quick and smoothly as possible so he could go and binge netlflix, like his original evening plan.

Jungwon seemed even more nervous sitting across from the intimidating boy. Something about the vibes jay gave off, it seemed like he thought Jungwon was a wuss. A goodie two shoes he could easily make fun of and get away with. Or maybe it was harmless interest. Whatever it was, this jay boy had been glancing at Jungwon more than his own food.

Jeongin could feel his nervousness radiating. The way his hand slightly shakes when he brought the soup to his mouth. His brother was one of the most confident people he knows, but it seemed like jay didn't like him and that made his confidence plummet. Jeongin just hoped that jay wouldn't say much else this evening. He didn't want Jungwon to feel anymore uncomfortable.

Maybe he'd invite him to his bingeing session later if he was feeling down.

But before much more could be observed, the buisness talk began.

The infamous lines where Jeongins parents would say something along the lines of 'training' their youngest son so he could take over the company in the future. Very obviously making the guests uncomfortable knowing that they clearly werent 'training' Jeongin even though he was the heir.

It was like they were bragging about their family problems. So easily admitting that they didn't believe Jeongin was worthy of their titles.

And so that's what the oldest Yang was expecting.

A little diss or mild passive aggression.

But damn was it worse.

"Well we have been discussing over the phone recently." Jeongins mother starts off looking to the nodding couple.

Talking on the phone?

About what?

"And now that I've met him in person," His mother smiles toward the boy sitting across from Jeongin, "Chan seems like a delightful young man."

Jeongin and Jungwon share a look sitting next to one another, entirely unsure of where this is going.

"And our eldest child," She turns her gaze to the boy, "Is going to finish his schooling soon. Our families will work wonderfully together in the future! Expanding our buisness with the help of one another."

The parents share a laugh, seemingly pleased with the idea.

Jeongin thought it was simply another buisness deal. Happened all the time.

But why was he getting called out?

This time Jeongins father speak up. "Once our families merge we will rise to power quickly." He raises his glass


That's a weird way to put it.

"Here's to our Yang Jeongin and Bang Chans marriage!" His father yells out while clinking the guests glasses.

How's Jeongin and Chan gonna react.

I'm gonna really try and keep this book shorter than my other ones. I tried to for my minsung one but I think it's going to end up being pretty long too.

Anyways hope you enjoyed!

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