•An Unexpected Visit•

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Hua ying stood outside of the the lecture hall, the distance talking within drawing his regret up to the roof. One side of him was hally to get out of there but the the next was overly freaking out cause he promised his parents, specifically his mother that he will be good.

Now he is outside of the room questioning what he said wrong in his opinion. Some of the Lan's who were patrolling would whisper across from him, pointing his way as to ask and gossip about him.

He thought that was one of the rules.

He lifted his fist. "Hey. No gossiping. Aren't you Lans for heaven's sakes?" He rocked his fist about, hands onto his hips later on when he got his point across.

The Lans moved on after that. Hua ying grunted, tapping his tongue at the roof of his mouth to cure some part of his boredom. It wasn't working.

"Oh come on. Now I have punishment. Rewriting the whole how much rules is going to end me." He cried silently, trying his best not to be to loud. Next thing that grey goat comes out or sends someone to move him permanently.

Then he heard the thumps and stomps of feet, the clattering and clinging of swords. He looked to his side, the red robes reflecting in his view. It was the Qishan Wen Clan. Said to teach unique sword techniques.

The one leading them was, Wen Chao. Besides him was a rather pretty girl. Wearing a serious look on her face though but that just made her even more eye-catching. Uncle Pei will say so. He could almost feel the eye roll Ling Wen ayi will do.

He cracked a mental smile, but kept his face neutral as they passed by. All like a gush of wind when he saw them pass. Wen Chao only gave a half smirk before holding his head high, one arm behind him and the next at the front.

There he walked into the room with that unfriendly smile if he's seen one and disappeared within. The whole time this was happening he's been leaning in to catch just a glimpse more.

He groaned and puffed his cheeks up when he couldn't go any farther. How is he supposed to have fun or enjoy himself here if this is how he is treated about??

Hua ying sighs, his butterflies starting became mobile and it caught his guard. His eyes widened quickly. "No, no no no, don't move your going to alert people!" He silently fretted on with the silver butterfly, three now appearing about.

He freaks out more, more keep coming out. Then one of the patroller came up behind him with an authorize tone.

"What are you doing? Talking to yourself now?" He rose an eyebrow, his questions rinsed in way to make fun of Hua ying if he said yes.

Hua ying had flinched, grabbed all the butterflies that fluttered in one spot finally and he turned with a nervous grin.

"N-nope! Just looking about and saw a bird. It may or may not have released it's backdoor residue onto your rocky garden. Its pretty dirty if you ask me."

Hua ying lifted a finger a pointed off to the side, making the lan looking that way and narrowing his eyes.

"I don't see anything-"

"Oh look there!"


The Lan turned at that direction, Hua ying taking that opportunity to book it the other direction and to his quarters before any other person detects him. He couldn't let anyone else see him, especially when his butterflies are moving about and not listening!

"Oh your not listening to me. Stop getting free. I'm fine, see? So don't you dare call anyone or alert A-Die or worst, A-niang!" He pointed about to all of 100 or so of his silver butterflies now surrounding the room. They didn't speak, just fluttered about till they found the right place to circle.

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