•Grandparents visitation•

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"Come here A-ying." Xie Lian called over.

Hua ying is in his month age of more babbling, energetic and walking-ish. It was adorable to see him try to get up and follow behind him like a little duckling.


"This way, come to me A-ying." He clapped. Hua ying was a giggling wabbling baby that's for one. He wanted to show that he can walk.

Hua Cheng came into the room to the sight of Hua Ying wabbling and reaching for his highness's reaching ones.

"So close A-ying, come on baby." He continued, calling him and clapping,smiling aswell as A-ying squealed with excitement.

Hua Cheng stood and folded his arms, a smile on his face as he watched his son walk. He felt a shower of pride as Hua ying finally makes that last step and basically throws himself at Xie Lian.

"Ah!" Xie Lian grabs him and lifted him into the air with a hyped cheer. "Ahh you did it! Look at my little one walking!" Xie Lian hugged and kissed his cheeks. "Mamama~"

Hua Cheng chuckled as he goes over to his family. "Strong and determined. How amazing were you A-ying." Hua Cheng praised his son as A-ying chants and bounced.

Xie Lian giggled. "He's getting bigger, to big." He frowned and hugged him again. Hua Cheng hums. "Gege he has to grow. He can't stay baby forever."

"I know but still.."

Hua Cheng leaned down his head and pressed a kiss to Xie Lian's cheek. "Don't worry Gege, he'll still be your baby." "Our baby." Hua Cheng hums as if he was thinking. "I guess but I don't have one." With a smirk Hua Cheng pulls away.

Xie Lian was confused, about to ask but they were interrupted.

"Am I interrupting something?" A voice asked in the distance.

Xie Lian spots one of the supreme Ghost King, Black Waters Sinking Ships, "He Xuan?"

He Xuan nods his head. "All high and mighty Heavenly Emperor and young prince." He acknowledged back, also seeming to include Hua ying.

"What are you doing here Black Waters? I don't remember inviting you.." Hua Cheng said as he turned to him.

He Xuan shrugs. "I need advice for something that I'm dealing with. Unfortunately your the only one who is close to somewhat sane and Qi Rong is clearly on my hitlist at the moment."

Hua Cheng rolled his eyes with a groan.

"I'll just leave you two then. Me and and Hua ying will be in his nursery." Xie Lian said, looking to Hua ying with a smile.

Hua Cheng nods his head. "Right, you both have fun but not to much.". He pointed playfully.

Xie Lian chuckled at that and takes himself and A-ying off to the rather large nursery near their bedroom.


Hua Cheng signalled a ghost working here. "So what's the matter with you?"

He Xuan grumbled and sank into the red cushions. "It's Shi Qingxuan.."

Hua Cheng leaned to get his beverage of alcohol to be set onto the table sperating both Ghost Kings. "That Wind Master? What about him."

"My..wife.. hasn't been talking with me." He admitted.

Hua Cheng stops from putting the glass cup to his lips, his eyes slowly looking to He Xuan.

"You heard me. I know it's dumb."

"Dumb? Your fucking with me right?"

"No I don't think so."

Hua Cheng chuckled unnervingly. "Oh Black Waters I'm extra tempted to raise your dept."

The Crown Prince of the Three RealmsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ