•Telling The Truth•

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The next few months leading to the next year were a busy time. Family time was more frequent for it. Any chance of time alone, the Hua family came together and either ate or relaxed at the Shrine.

Hua ying also had his birthday by then. Ages of 6 now and the boy was showered with love and gifts. His Shushu, Shi Qingxuan, gifted more than the other gods. He gifted a fan, a perfect dye of red and the finest red cloth to give the best wind and channel it.

He gained stuff bunnies as that happened to be his lovable animal spirit, Zhan. He was gifted other stuff, treats, sweets, robes, pillows and the list continues.

But even if his uncles and aunts, even his cousins showered him in exquisite gifts after gifts no one can come close to his Ma's and A-die's gift.

"Now it's our turn." Hua Cheng spoke as he moved to his seated on the throne son.

Hua ying was excited, not having it in him to hold back his excitement.

Xie Lian couldn't help his loving smile with Hua ying's adorable exciting jitters he did. "I and your A-die thought it was the best gift for you."

Xie lian signalled Feng Xin.

"Bring him in!" He called loudly to the doors.

Hua ying watched as a man in teal and white robes of a civil god came in carrying a basket in his hands. Hua ying was eager as he tried to peak. It wasn't working but the god came closer.

The man bowed before them and sets the basket down. "Taizi Dianxia..your gift." He said with a slight smile.

Hua Cheng went down the few steps and leant down. There as he came up, the crowd of gods, from junior to older gasped and became bright with even more joy.

Then he turned for his son to see.

Hua ying's eyes widened in shock as he saw this little black fur being carried in his father's arms. The little creature looked to Hua ying and gave the most cutest attempt to roar ever.

Hua ying was bright. His ma had to hold him at this point. "My beautiful Ying'er, meet your new companion." The Heavenly Emperor announced to his gasping son.

His father came close to show the tiger, a spiritual animal and the most rare of the others.

"This is the rarest of the tigers. This little one doesn't have a sibling, so I took it upon myself, along with your A-niang, to get him for you." Hua Cheng said.

Xie Lian sets Hua ying onto his throne once more. "Will you like to hold him?"

"Oh yes please!"

The gods couldn't help but chuckle and laugh at the young prince's excitement. His big silver eyes twinkling like stars.

Hua Cheng sets the tiger on his son's lap. "There we go."

Hua ying looks at the tiger and the tiger looks up to him with his yellow eyes. There Hua ying began to pet him which made the tiger purr. A giant smile grew on his face.

All there smiled with Hua ying as he giggled and pet the purring cat beast.

"What are you naming him A-ying?"

Hua ying looks to his cousin. "Hm.." He looks back to the cat. Huì. "Huì*!"

Feng Xuanyu* smiled with his cousin, reaching to pet the tiger. "I like it. He looks like a Huì."

Hua ying nods happily enjoying his new companion.

Everyone watched the son of their ruler and the son of two Martial Generals and Marital brothers and close friends of said ruler smile.

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