•Adoption and New Life•

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Xie Lian was in shock when he read what he read. He felt so much emotions. He wanted to know what happened to them..The boy left alone in this world without his parents. To be honest he thought something like this was it.. Abandonment was behind his mind and he was glad for not jumping into conclusion. Yet..it didn't make him feel any better.

"Gege..Are you ok?" Xie Lian nods his head, folding the note up. "I just..This is..That poor woman.." Hua Cheng moved from his spot to sit closer to his loved one. Resting a hand to his back he rubbed in circles. "It's not what you expected.."

Xie Lian shakes his head. There he takes Hua Cheng's hand and gripped tightly. "It's fine..really.." He smiled softly. "Well.. It's sad that it happened..it isn't something I would want..but.." He silenced again. It was saddening, this baby shouldn't have to go through this..no baby, should no child, yet they do. This brought some horrid memories to him but he shakes it away.

"So what now..?" Hua Cheng looks to the baby and thought.

"Why don't we take him in as our own?"


"Pardon?.." Xie Lian didn't think he heard that right. "Wait-what are you suggesting San Lang?.."

Hua Cheng could kiss him for his adorable confused and surprised face. "Your adorable.." He said with a smile.
"San Lang focus." He fretted, taking both his husband's hands. Hua Cheng smiled more before he came back to his senses. "I'm focused Gege. Now..would Gege like to adopt A-ying as our own?"

Xie Lian looks to the baby then at Hua Cheng,his shocked face frozen. "You..you want to have a child with me?"

"Shouldn't I not? I mean I am married to the one I live for so why not have a child with the one I'll spend the rest of my life with?"

Xie Lian could cry but he was so happy to hear that.

"So, what is your answer? Does Gege want to aswell as me?"

"I..I always wanted to have children with you San Lang. This will be a new experience for us but I will love to yes."

Hua Cheng didn't hold back his next move. Hands cupping his lover's face he pressed their lips together, passionate and loving as always. Xie Lian melted into the kiss, pulling away as he blinked.

"Then it's settled..A-ying is ours." He smiled warmly. Xie Lian rubbed Hua Cheng's hand and smiled brightly, joyous at the news. "Our son."

"Not yet San Lang..we need adoption papers." Xie Lian stated. Hua Cheng knew his task. He takes a stand. "That is no problem. Adoption papers will be fixed up just for our son. Xie Lian couldn't help but smile at the share amount of excitement Hua Cheng had in him.

[ A Few Days Later ]

Wei Ying,changed name, Hua ying was part of the Hua family for a few days now. The two married important beings were now dealing with what every parent has to deal with. Early morning, midnight crying and fusses from A-ying.

A few hours of sleep and crying. Hua Cheng was the one to jump out of his "sleep". Xie Lian has been up to long and has been busy. Hua Cheng got busy and scooped up the child in his arms.

"Alright no more crying." He said, but harsh especially since the child sayed absolutely nothing. Hua ying did however found his expression hilarious. So instead of craving for attention, or a nappy change or bottle, all this adorable monster wanted was to laugh in poor Hua Cheng's face.

Hua Cheng scoffs as his giggles hiccuped. Hua Cheng just let's out a sigh. No way was he going to let a baby, his son much less, cause to give him a headache. But even if laughing wad a thing, this son of his was a hungry baby.

In a split second, Hua ying's face turned when his hunger rolled in. Hua Cheng didn't want him to cry, not now or possibly ever. "Ah, don't you dare cry A-ying." He said, looking to the scrunched up chubbed face of his son. He had to make a bottle and quick.


Hua Cheng sighs, exhausted and restless. He can't sleep but doesn't mean he can't feel tired. He was never a child person. When he saw babies he drifted so far from them you'll think the baby had some illness. He didn't find children something to go near, especially when they cry. He just won't touch them with 20ft pole. Not 6,nonono, it had to be as far as the eye can see. He can hear but not draw towards it.

But when it came to Hua ying he was just drawn to him. Maybe cause this is the first baby he's been able to hold without holding it like a germ and passing it back to it's mother. His Highness loved this baby and he can see it. Maybe not biological but once his husband was happy, desperate or desiring something that he can't say he'll get it for him in any way, shape or form. And this, this was something he even wanted. A child. And he got that blessing..

He still won't go near a baby with a 20ft pole.


Xie Lian on the other hand has been doing well. Getting better at going with the schedule he settled. The hua ying was like a clockwork, except this clockwork was very affectionate and cuddly and warm and so adorable to hold.

There were bad and good parts of this new life. The good part, he has a family with the one he loves, he is a great parent--well he hopes so and his son is adorable. The bad part, the heavens still don't know about A-ying. The Ghost City was a different story. They haven't seen A-ying yet. Two A-ying is mortal and three so much dangers awaited this baby since they found him. His destiny was wavered when they found him.

Despite all that, he still had hope and positivity. They will love this child and spoil their son with all kinds of love he needs and wants. After all he is their son.

But still shit is yet to hit the fan.


Here's another one. Tell me if I should continue with baby Hua ying or grow him up. I mean I was going to grew him into his 5 year old self but that's on y'all.

Do comment and tell me what ya like cause I'm very self conscious and like honesty, I won't bite(yet🤡jk)

Enough talking damn, anyways hope ya enjoyed? Peace!✌🏽

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