A day with Gabriel

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   By the time I woke up, it was already 8:43am. I quickly got up and started preparing for the day, I brushed my teeth and took my bath. I wore a simple short floral dress, cute and not overdressed. I just let my hair down. I used a colour changing lipgloss that added more pink to my already pink lips. I also put mascara on my lashes and smiled in satisfaction.

I wore white Snickers as I couldn't decide what else to wear. I picked up my phone and stepped out of my room. The house was quiet ' Did Gabriel go to school forgetting it's my birthday' I thought.

I quickly stopped at his room door and knocked but there wasn't any reply, after knocking a few more times and still no reply, I stepped away from the door. Maybe he wasn't in his room.

I got to the stairs and looked towards the living room. Gabriel was sitting on a couch while he operated his phone.
    A smile finally made it's way to my lips again. I started walking down the stairs, making sure my steps were loud.

I wanted him to look at me but to my disappointment, he didn't even glance in my direction. Either because he was too engrossed in his phone that he didn't hear me or he just didn't care to look.

I finally got down the stairs. I walked to Gabriel and stood in front of him, only then did he slowly lift his head from his phone, his eyes meeting mine.
" Good morning" I grinned. He smiled, his eyes moving from my face down my body. I got nervous, I stood still waiting for him to finish starring.

    Gabriel's eyes returned to my face and he gave me a small smile " Morning, you slept well?" He asked as he stood up and I nodded while stepping back giving him some personal space. He put his phone into the back pocket of his trouser and picked up his leather jacket that was hung on the arm of the couch

He wore it while starring at me. This was the first time I ever put anything that had to do with makeup on my face. I was dying inside waiting for him to comment on it. Maybe tell me I'm beautiful or comment on my outfit, anything at all.

Gabriel picked up a bunch of keys from the couch " Let's go" he said and walked past me. My smile fell, I turned around and followed him behind. We got out of the house and Gabriel locked the door. He walked to a black car, I could tell it wasn't the one we usually took to school, this one was a bit smaller.

Gabriel opened the passenger seat and held it opened. " Get in" he said. " You... You're driving?" I asked. " Yes, get in" he said.
" You can drive?" I asked again as I walked to him
" Yes, get in" he repeated
" Why does sir Marcus drive us to school then?" I asked as I got into the car and sat.

Gabriel closed the door and walked around the car to the other side, he opened the door and entered " He needs the job" he said as he started the car, he looked at me
" Where do you wanna go?" He asked.
" I.. I don't know anywhere" I admitted.
" I'll take you to go eat breakfast first" he whispered but enough for me to hear and soon we drove out of the compound.

     As we drove through the city, I took the opportunity to admire the view, I had gotten used to the view whenever we drove to school and back, but today, we went to a whole different direction. I could see both big and small businesses with their logos boldly drawn or written on the buildings.

People went by living their lives. I wondered what they did on a daily basis, I wondered if they were like me, what ran through their minds, where were they going? Or would they all pause when I couldn't see them and only start moving again when I'm around? If not.... How did they live their lives.

Did everyone have parents except me? Do they all really have birthdays.... Do they also...
" Liela" I heard and I snapped my gaze towards Gabriel, he had a concerned look on his face.
" Are you alright?" He asked as he looked back at the road. I nodded
" Yes" I said when I realized he didn't see me nod.

" I was asking what you'd like to eat" Gabriel said still looking at the road " I don't know...... Just something light, I don't feel hungry" I said truthfully. " Okay" was all he said and kept driving.

We stopped in front of a restaurant, it looked beautiful. Almost everything inside was white, except for some plants here and there.... We sat at a table and Gabriel ordered salad for me and nothing for himself saying he already ate breakfast, I was grateful he didn't try to force me to eat actual food. I didn't feel like eating but I ate the salad anyway.

   Immediately I was done eating, we left. We started driving again. Gabriel took me to alot of places, we went to an amusement park and it was my first time to ride on a rollercoaster, it was exciting but especially scary, but i knew I'd be fine since Gabriel was with me, we also went to a bookstore because I insisted on it while we were driving past one, but I didn't get any books. Gabriel didn't allow me to get any of the ones that caught my interest.

We went to a cinema and it was an amazing experience, I didn't really care about the movie, what I cared about was looking at Gabriel at intervals only to see that he was looking at me instead of the movie, and also the way the caressed my hand on the arm rest.

He also took me to a karaoke bar, I sang and sang until I got tired, Gabriel just sat watching me with a smile, he even clapped most times. We went to alot of other places and Gabriel made sure I ate countless times. Before we knew it, it was night. The time was currently 9:17pm.

We both walked out of a snacks stall by the road, I held a lollipop in my left hand
" Are we going home now?" I asked as we walked towards the car. " No" Gabriel replied and I stood

He only turned to look at me when he got to the car
" But it's late already" I complained. I was tired already. I enjoyed every moment but I felt exhausted,I wanted to rest
" So you prefer standing there? Didn't you say you wanted to spend the whole day with me? The day isn't over yet" he said and I blinked

Okay. I sincerely apologise for leaving y'all without any update for a while now. I've been trying to update but each time I try, I'm unable.

  My head has been occupied with alot of things, and I'm struggling with alot this period. However I hope y'all like this chapter.

" Where do you think Gabriel's taking Liela tho?"

Please please please.......
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