Your Harry

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I stretched the bottle of water towards Harry when they were close enough but before Harry could even lift his hand to take it, Gabriel snatched it from my hand, his eyes not leaving my face, I looked down. Harry had no choice but to take Theresa's bottle of water.

I heard the sound of the cover of the bottle come off the body. I peaked through my lashes and watched Gabriel gulp down the water, and how he used the back of his palm in wiping sweat from his forehead. He gaze returned to me as he covered the bottle of water. " Goo... good game" I muttered frightened trying to reduce the tension .

Harry smiled and moved closer " Thank you Liela, we usually do way better than this, I don't know what's going on" he spoke giving Gabriel an angry look before looking back at me with a smile. I looked at Harry " I'm sure you can do it" I tried to encourage not even knowing what I was saying, and also making sure not to look at Gabriel's face.

" Oh wow, thank you, I'll definitely make sure to..." Harry trailed off as Gabriel suddenly grabbed my wrist pulling me away with him. Harry frowned as he watched us leave.

I knew this wasn't going to be good. I just followed him. He led me out of the game hall and into the boys locker room before he let go of my wrist. I dropped my gaze.
" What are you doing here?" Gabriel asked going straight to the point.
" I.. wanted to come support you" I stuttered
" For goodness sake Liela, I told you not to come here" he raised his voice
" You should go home" he added much calmer.

I looked at him " But why? I'm already here" I argued
" I don't want you here" Those words coming from him broke my heart, I could feel tears threatening to surface in my eyes
" If you don't want me to support you, then it's fine, I won't, but Harry did invite me, so I'm here for him" I say, I saw his frown deepen.

" So you're saying you came here for Harry?" Gabriel asked. Honestly I didn't, I came because I have never been able to experience such an event but most especially because I wanted to see Gabriel play, I wanted to be a support to him.

" Answer me, Liela" Gabriel said raising his voice as he moved closer, I stepped backward in fear. " I.. I'm here for Harry" I lied, even the words were difficult to say but I had to
" Wow" Anger, that was anger I heard in his voice " Fine then, let's see how good your Harry is" he said emphasizing on Your Harry and it pained me. He turned around and walked away.

Soon I was back sitting by Theresa on the bleachers , the game was about to start again. Theresa kept asking what happened between I and Gabriel but I told her it was nothing, I know she didn't believe me, but at least she didn't bug me about it.

The whistle was blown and the boys started running around again. Everyone had started shouting all over. Gabriel was running around with the ball until he dropped it into the net and I almost became deaf with the amount of screams of joys, Theresa was so happy. I just sat there watching, my mood was sour.

I noticed a frown was stuck on Gabriel's face throughout the game. He seemed to be playing with anger not caring if he knocked people down. Harry dropped the ball in the net once and the rest was Gabriel, they won and everyone who sat on the bleachers stood up excitedly.

I sat not being able to feel the joy. Gabriel's team gathered around jubilating, but Gabriel angrily shoved them away from himself and stormed out of the hall, I quickly said my goodbye to Theresa and hurried after Gabriel. I felt guilty, everyone was confused but went on jubilating. I ran to the boy's dressing room and stood outside.

I waited for some time before Gabriel walked out all dressed on a black leather jacket, black trousers, black Snickers and an inner grey shirt, his hair looked wet. He walked past me like I didn't exist, I hurried after him and held unto his arm " Gabriel" I muttered. He stood and looked at me, his eyes flaming with anger, I slowly let go of his hand and he started walking again.

I followed him behind, it was already evening, the sun was going down quickly, we walked out of the school building and headed for the school's parking lot.
Gabriel walked to a black bike, he probably came with it, I stood not knowing what to do as usual.
' Was he going to leave me behind?' I thought. " Gabriel?" I called softly standing by him.

" I... , Don't be mad at me, please?" I pleaded, I was going to cry, I couldn't hold it anymore.
Gabriel ignored me and picked up the helmet from the handle of the bike and then put it over my head buckling it under my chin, I looked at his face ' He wasn't leaving me' i was happy but still he wasn't talking to me " Gabriel" I tried again.

" I'm only bringing you along, so mom doesn't ask me about you" he spoke and sat on the bike positioning himself on it. I stood, I couldn't tell if he was lying or not " You, you don't have a helmet?" I asked. " Liela stop acting like you care about me" Gabriel yelled angrily as he stared at me, he looked like he's been tired of me a long time ago.

I felt hurt, I did care about him,
I sniffled allowing a tear to run down my cheek " You're driving me insane Liela, so stop. Please" he said very calmly, almost like he didn't want me to hear it.
" Get on" he ordered. I let the tears drop and wiped them off before climbing on the bike and sat. Immediately he started the time and moved, I wrapped my hands around his waist and leaned my body on him.

The bike stopped abruptly ' Did he want me not to touch him?' I thought and more tears kept pouring " I.. I.. I'll fall ... Off if I don't hold you" I muttered in-between sobs, I heard him suck in a breathe before restarting the bike and off we went into the highway, speeding past buildings.

I was scared I'd fall so I held on tighter, the wind drying my tears . Soon we got home and drove into the compound.

Gabriel giving me " You're my strength and weakness" vibes

Okay, I'm really so excited for what's to come.

Are we about to get Gabriel's pov? 😁

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