Who is she Gabriel?

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  He was my cousin and I was interfering way too much in his life. I shouldn't bother about the things he did, the people he hung out with or the girls.... But yet I did.

I got tired of being in my room, I went downstairs, while I was climbing down the stairs. I saw Gabriel in the living room area but he wasn't alone. I paused at the  sight of the girl that was with him.
   She had blond slightly wavy hair, she wore an off shoulder skinny blouse and a mini skirt that seamed to be matching the blouse. The material of her outfit looked really thin.

She was on low heels. Her presence alone made my stomach sink painfully . She had her hands thrown over Gabriel's shoulders, I could only see her back. I started climbing down  the stairs again not removing my eyes from them.

Gabriel looked away from her and looked at me, the girl turned her head to also look at me not removing her hands from Gabriel. The girl looked older than me and of cause she was.... beautiful, she had make-up on and all.

I got down the stairs and looked towards the dinning area. Mrs Fidelia was there ' How could they do what they were doing while Mrs Fidelia was just at the dinning here?' I I thought.
  Both Gabriel and the girl's eyes were on me " Liela darling" Mrs Fidelia called " Come join me here, would you?" She said with a wide smile.

I blinked, looking at the ground as I walked towards her trying not to look at Gabriel, but I could still feel his eyes on me. I got to Mrs Fidelia and pulled out the chair opposite hers. I sat down and looked at Gabriel again. His eyes were still on me. I looked at the girl and noticed her blouse had a V-neck exposing a good amount of her breasts.

She starred at Gabriel and glanced at me " Hey dear" Mrs Fidelia said snapping her fingers in front of me to get my attention and I looked at her
" Pay attention here, not there, okay?" She said with a tender smile. I forced a smile.

I wanted to see what was going on with Gabriel and that girl but I didn't want to annoy Mrs Fidelia. She started talking with a very low voice, so only I could hear " You know since you came here, I've been so happy, I've always wanted a daughter..." She kept talking. It was obvious she was forcing the topics because she said alot of irrelevant and random stuffs.

" Umm.. can I go to my room?" I asked quietly. " Why? Because of them? No. Stay here" she smiled.
   I wasn't comfortable here anymore. I could feel Gabriel's eyes on me from time to time. I didn't understand why Mrs Fidelia wouldn't let me leave

" Why?" I heard the girl's voice, she didn't sound happy. Mrs Fidelia looked so I quickly looked too. Gabriel grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her up the stairs. I looked back at Mrs Fidelia and she was already staring at me. I bowed my head.

The girl looked really beautiful. I couldn't stop my mind from thinking about what they went upstairs to do.

Gabriel's Pov

   I dragged Hazel into my room before letting go of her. She was the only girl I had fucked more than thrice, to be exact I've fucked her five times and now she thinks she's something to me.

" What are you doing here for real?" I asked unable to keep the anger out of my tune. Hazel bent her head to the side folding her arms across her chest as she starred at me
" Why all of a sudden? You didn't ask me what I was doing here until now" she spoke rudely.

She used to come over here just like alot of other girls before Liela's arrival. At first it was because I didn't want her to feel uncomfortable in the house, then it changed to because I didn't want her to have a bad impression about me and now it was because I have fallen in love and i didn't want anyone else.

Recently I had sex with Hazel thinking it would distract me from Liela but it didn't, did she think she's now allowed to come here again?
" You don't just come to my house unannounced" I said trying not to be harsh. She raised an eyebrow at me and frowned.

   She turned away from me slowly walking around the room, running her fingers along surfaces
" You wouldn't let me if u had told you before coming. And I thought you had no problem with me here..... It's been a while, besides I just missed you" Hazel said as her hand slid across the closet door I had warned Liela never to open.

" Leave, I don't want you here" Her presence here made me highly uncomfortable. The look in Liela's eyes made me feel like I was cheating on her which wasn't likely since she was my cousin, not like I've ever worried if someone thought I was cheating on them or not.

" Why?" Hazel asked turning back to face me " Because of that bitch?" She spat angrily. I clenched my jaw at the word she used in referring to Liela.
   I fought the need to bang her head against the wall.
" Who is she Gabriel? Your girlfriend?" She asked.

    I didn't need to explain anything to Hazel but I wanted Liela's name clean " She's my cousin" I spoke my voice a bit louder. Hazel scoffed " oh really now? Your cousin. I saw the way you looked at her, I'm not stupid" she said raising her voice at me
" Don't you fucking raise your voice in my house Hazel, you have no say in whatever I do, whether you believe it or not, she is my cousin" I spoke trying not to yell. God! I didn't want Liela in bad light.

   Hazel strolled towards me angrily. Her acting like she was my girlfriend annoyed the shit out of me. She stopped three feet away from me " Oh so you're fucking your cousin?" She said, her voice low but coated in anger and disgust.

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