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Gabriel's Pov
      It was finally Friday and I've been doing better at not thinking of Liela in an inappropriate way, she was innocent, infact anyone could tell her level of innocence by just looking at her. But her small slim and sexy figure was doing dangerous things to me.

Whenever I looked at her or thought of her it was never good.

I looked forward to the basketball match coming up, I did feel bad for asking Liela not to attend but I had my reasons because damn she was my biggest distraction. I would be lying if I said I ever concentrated on anything else when she was around.

Liela's Pov

    The match would be starting in thirty minutes from now, I sat on my bed, Gabriel had left for the match already, I was scared, I didn't want him to get angry at me. I looked at the clock and it was 3:21pm. I sat up summoning enough courage, I'd go, I really wanted to see him play.

' I'm sure he would change his mind when he actually saw me there '  I told myself hoping I would be right, I got dressed in a mini white plaited skirt and a blue hoodie, with white Converse  shoes. I stood in front of the mirror, I didn't know what to do with my hair. After thinking for a while, I just put it in a loosed ponytail.

I smiled , Mrs Fidelia got me a bunch of makeup,but I've never used them, I had no idea what most of them were even used for,  I thought of trying it out but decided against it, I was running late already. My phone rang and I hurriedly picked it up. It was a text from Theresa.

Theresa: I'm outside your house, hurry up.

  I looked myself in the mirror once again before stepping out of my room, no one else was home. I got out of the house and locked the door. Theresa looked beautiful, she wore leggings and a cropped pink top, her hair styled. We both took a cab and went to school.
   Immediately the car started driving, I tensed up all-over again, not too long we arrived.

We were a bit late, there were already alot of other students sitting on the bleachers and the game was about to start, we quietly got in and sat almost at the back.
   I saw Gabriel, his back facing me, his hair looked like he's ran his hands through it a few times.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw Theresa waving with a big smile on her face, tracing her line of view , I spotted Harry, he was already looking at me and I smiled,he looked handsome, I raised my hand to wave slightly and he also waved back with a happy smile, he looked really happy to see me, if only Gabriel would be happy to see me too.

   Just as that thought came, Gabriel turned around and looked up at me, ' Oh no ' I said within as our eyes met. Now this is Harry's fault, he shouldn't have waved like that, I was tense. Gabriel frowned, he didn't look happy at all.
   A whistle was blown and the game started, the boys all started running around the field with the ball.

Gabriel didn't join the game immediately, his eyes still on me until one of the boys touched him, he managed to look away and joined the game, but took another glance at me.
   The game was going pretty fast, I really didn't understand what was going on, but people were screaming, I saw Gabriel with the ball bouncing it around, but then he looked at me and the ball was taken from him.

The other team dropped the ball into the net, once, twice. It looked like a boy was trying to talk to Gabriel for a sec but Gabriel seemed to have angrily ignored him walking away from him. The game continued and Gabriel's team was... Failing. Gabriel kept looking at me almost every time. Was it my fault? I heard Theresa scream supportively, I decided to join her and not think too much.

Soon Harry was with the ball, alot of people were chanting Harry's name in support including Theresa and I decided to join in, it didn't feel so good cheering for Harry but I just wanted to participate...
" Harry. Harry.. Harry..." We kept cheering, my eyes met with Gabriel's again and I quickly looked away.

Harry was about dropping the ball into the net, but before it could enter, Gabriel hit the ball away. Disappointed screams sounded in the air. Harry glared at Gabriel, but Gabriel didn't even pay him any attention, instead he looked at me with a frown. Harry said something to Gabriel but I couldn't hear it, however I could tell it wasn't something nice from the gestures, and still Gabriel ignored walking away from Harry picking up the Hem of his shirt and using it to wipe off the sweat on his face.

I couldn't help but look at his abs...., He dropped the shirt back and again our eyes locked. He looked.. ' Sexy ' My eyes widened at my own thoughts and I quickly looked away from me, my face heated up. All of a sudden I heard the sound of a whistle and I shot my gaze up again. I looked at Theresa

" Is the game over? They failed?" I asked in a panick. She sighed
" No, they're just on a break" Theresa said while giving me a bottle of water " Give it to Harry, I'll give mine to Gabriel" she said excitedly, her dull mood had gone to nowhere land. I felt jealous, weird. I looked at her bottle of water.

By the time we got down, there were already alot of girls holding bottles of water waiting to give out water to the players. Gabriel and Harry were walking towards us, I tried my best not to look at Gabriel, but his eyes were digging holes on my body.


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I don't know much about basketball. Okay, I don't know anything about basketball, so sorry if the explanation isn't that good.

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