Final Chapter: Legacy

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(DISCLAIMER: The following is a non-profit, fan based series. Monsterverse is owned by Legendary Pictures, and Attack On Titan (Shingeki No Kyojin) is owned by Hajime Isayama. Please support the original franchises.) one of The Hollow Earth's monitoring stations...

A flock of Red Leafwings fly high above the station as several other fauna can be heard making a series of calls in the distance, while within it, a young Iwi girl sits in a chair as she looks at a makeshift effigy of what seems to be a gorilla in her hands.

With the effigy still in her hand, she makes her way toward one of the windows in the room, staring off into the distance with a look of worry on her face.

As the girl observes the dense forests of The Long Ago Below, the ones around the station as well as the ones on the 'roof' of The Hollow Earth, a woman nearly bumps into several researchers as they make their way through the hallway outside of the room in which the girl stands, apologizing to each one before she steps in the doorway.

The young girl turns around and slightly jumps, being startled by the woman's sudden appearance. The woman then expresses a look of pity as she catches sight of the girl holding the effigy.

("Jia") The woman signs, as this particular young girl's sense of hearing was...rather impaired ("I know you miss him but it's been years...maybe it's time to move on.")

Jia shakes her head in a disapproving motion, refusing to toss the one in which the woman speaks of from her mind, as the one in question had saved her life long ago.

Just then, a man rushes into the room with noticeable urgency.

"Ilene!" The man says, drawing her attention from Jia "He's back!"

"What?" Ilene asks Hong Kong...

Gulls fly overhead as several boats, commercial and passenger, make their way to their respective destinations until a churning in the water disrupts the maritime traffic.

From the murky depths, Godzilla emerges with the waterlogged Kong on his back.

Kong, no longer submerged, quickly moves his head over the side of his ally and vomits forth torrents of water, coughing profusely after having nearly drowned. Several passerbys on shore stop to gawk at the two titans that had just appeared out of the blue, murmuring and talking amongst themselves as Godzilla wades closer to solid land.

Godzilla proceeds up the shore on all fours as it progressively becomes more and more shallow and begins to survey his surroundings, smelling the air to see if anything had become amiss in his absence.

Once all seems well and he stands to his full height, Kong slumps off of his back and onto his own, trying to catch his breath, the yellow crest still in his hand.

Kong tries to speak but...only a growl comes out...

Godzilla tries to do the same only to be met with the same result, The Mountain Who Thunders Death feels and prods at his neck before they both realize something, the unwilling gift of speech that was granted to them by the vile vortexes conjured from SpaceGodzilla's being...was no more.

Neither of them mourn the loss of their gift as they both know that, while a useful one and their success with establishing diplomacy with the humans they knew would have been uncertain without it, it was one they were never meant to have.

The Hollow Earth's King slowly stands to his feet, water falling from his fur as he looks down at the crest in his hand. His hand trembles, knowing what had to be done in order to protect the world that they had just come from.

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