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Qu Zhitao received a series of urgent calls from her editor during the day, demanding that she deliver her overdue manuscript by tomorrow, or they would come after her at her home.

Thinking back to the last time the editor visited her, staying at her place for a month, overseeing her every day and pushing her relentlessly to write, Qu Zhitao shuddered and accelerated her typing speed.

In reality, it wasn't entirely her fault for procrastinating. After all, the allure of captivating novels, thrilling animations, and hilarious variety shows was hard to resist. As a chronic procrastinator, she always found herself drawn to these distractions.

However, she was well aware that failing to submit her manuscript on time would let down her loyal readers. So, her race against the deadline was not only motivated by her editor's demands but also by her own sense of responsibility as an author.

Qu Zhitao's primary job was being a full-time writer, occasionally taking on screenwriting projects. While her real name wasn't widely recognized, her pen name, "Shan Yue," was a beloved figure in the world of online romance novels.

She had published numerous books, and her two most famous ones had been adapted into movies and TV series. One was currently in production, and the other was set to be streamed on a popular online platform soon.

Qu Zhitao closely followed these developments. If the upcoming show became a hit, the rights to her remaining books would fetch a considerable sum, increasing her income substantially.

However, she wasn't overly concerned about failure either. Subscription fees and publishing royalties from her books provided a comfortable living, and she had a long-term partnership with a magazine, where she regularly contributed popular short stories.

So, even if the TV series flopped, apart from affecting the film and TV rights of her future works, it wouldn't have a significant impact on her overall success.

Qu Zhitao continued to write fervently, determined to complete her column and the week's new book update in one go, allowing her to finally enjoy a good night's sleep.

She kept at it until well into the night before finally finishing all her updates. She stopped typing, and that's when she felt an excruciating headache. Overwhelmed by fatigue, she fell onto her bed and drifted into sleep.

Her next conscious moment brought her to an entirely unfamiliar place, something straight out of a TV show.

The surroundings consisted mainly of red or cyan brick buildings, nothing like the towering structures she was accustomed to. Pedestrians had a different style of dress, reminiscent of the last century. The colors were diverse, but the fashion was far from contemporary.

As she attempted to take in her surroundings and locate someone to inquire about her predicament, an inexplicable force began tugging her forward.

Slowly, Qu Zhitao realized that she could only stay within two meters of a young girl who bore a striking resemblance to her. Venturing any farther would result in a forceful pullback.

Qu Zhitao tried to communicate with the girl, but she remained oblivious, unable to hear or see her. The same held true for everyone else.

She couldn't fathom the situation she found herself in. Gradually, it became clear that she had been transported to the early 1980s, a time period distant from her own.

Qu Zhitao desperately longed to return and save herself. She attempted various forms of self-harm, but nothing worked. Objects merely passed through her incorporeal form.

She couldn't die, and she couldn't go back. Eventually, Qu Zhitao resigned herself to the situation, convinced that she would one day unravel the mystery and find her way home.

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