Chapter 18

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I'm Thankful For Family, Good Waves, And Sonic Grammars



I arrived at the airport to Steffi, Slater, Luke, Parker, Jack and Coop waiting for me with hugs, kisses, love and tears, Steffi and I cried lots of messy tears, the guys just laughed at us.  They had my bathing suit, several boards, some snacks and drinks, and we headed straight for my happy place, the beach by Mystical Nightmare.  My friends know me, and they know that after being away for so long, I'd just want to be with them and the water, I again cry because I'm so damn happy.

"Jesus, stop the fucking crying girls!  We've got waves and food, the sun is out, we're all here, let's go bitches!"  Jack laughs as he takes off running, because he knows that Stef and I hate being called 'bitches'.

"Run Jackie boy, we'd hate to catch up with you and tickle you till you pee. Again!"  Steffi taunting her brother is one of the funniest things, it's never completely mean spirited, but it's just enough to take him down a few notches.

"Fuckin A Stef, I was a god damn kid!  Let it go already!"  He laughs as he out runs her.

"Um, I don't think I'd call 13 that much of a kid Jackie boy!"  Parker throws out to Jack as Jack just raises his middle finger, then he runs into the water, duck dives under the coming white water, and paddles out to the waiting waves.

"Well, I'm not letting him get all the good waves, let's go Steffi!"  We all head to the water, with an amazing afternoon and evening of water, sun and fun ahead of us, life is good.

These people are so good to me, the love they show me, when I know it hurts them to not include their best friend, I realize that they would love to have Mac here, but they kept him away for me.  I feel lucky and guilty at the same time.

After we eat some apples, chips and salsa, we're sitting around the fire when Stone, Kat and Kilt join us.  Kat brought Stef and I containers of hot chocolate, and Kilt brought what was definitley not hot chocolate for the guys.  We talk for an hour, then Kat takes Stef and I home to get ready for the big dinner, we grab the boards, towels and wetsuits, letting the guys to pack up the rest, and get rid of the trash.

"Lizzie, it's so good to have you home baby, it is just empty without you and your beautiful self running through the house.  With Jack at the club, and Steffi at school, it's too quiet, Stone and I might have to have more children."  She says this very seriously, I look at Steffis horrified face.

"What the hell mom!  You guys do not need more children, leave it at the perfection of Lizzie and me, you do not want another Jack!"  Steffis face is frozen in disgust as her mom starts to laugh.

"Nope, we're not attempting to replicate perfection girls, don't worry!  It's nice to know that I can still turn your stomach though Stef."  Kat smiles at us as she drives back to the house.

"I just wanted to lighten the mood a bit, before I broached the subject of dinner tonight.  I'm not sure all that Steffi has informed you about what Mac has been up to while you've been gone Lizzie, but I don't want you blind sided by any surprises."  Kat is speaking matter of factly, no drama, no anger, just calmly putting the information out there.

"I've just told her he's not doing great, he's still drunk, disorderly and being a total idiot."  Steffi looks at me, with serious eyes.

"Lizzie told me she doesn't want to discuss Mac, we talk about where we're headed, what our plans are, we don't really talk about him."  Steffi confirms what I already thought, I know the basics, things just haven't changed much for him, too bad.

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