Chapter 16

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OK, So Talk

The Next Day


I didn't sleep at all last night, Steffi and I were in her bed, talking, crying, trying to figure out, what happened, what I should do.  At some point Jack and Slater came in, basically to let us know that Savanna is pregnant, she had the paperwork and pictures to prove it, and though Mac doesn't remember having sex with her, as he was passed out, he probably did.  Come on, this is Mac, of course he had sex with her.  All his sweet words, beautiful promises, were just words.  This just confirms my fears and what I deep down already knew, he is the father of her baby.

The guys leave and return to the clubhouse, where there is apparently quite a bit of drama that has to do with Savanna, big f-ing surprise.  That girl and her unending drama.

Wow, this is so crazy overwhelming, I don't even know where to start with a plan for me, and what I should do.  I'll talk to Mac, but I don't know if I can stay here.  Watching Mac and Savanna, parents to their baby, being a family, I don't think I can do that."

"I'm sorry that this drama ruined our party Stef, I was so excited, I thought this was the beginning of everything!  But damn, it was really just the end of my dream.  Up until tonight, all I wanted to do was spend as much time with you and Mac as I could this summer, before I leave for work.  Heck, I even turned down a few small jobs so that I could be here with you guys instead.  Now all I can think about is escaping him, going anywhere that he or Savanna won't be.  I'm so messed up right now."  I kind of cry on the last sentence, but I think I ran out of tears a few hours ago, I'm just bone deep sad.

"Lizzie, you need to do whatever feels right for you, don't listen to me, because I just want you to be here with me, don't listen to my parents, because they feel the same as I do, they love you and they want you to stay in our family, where we can take care of you.  What does your heart, your gut want you to do?"  Steffi looks at me, sadness in her eyes, because I think she knows my gut is telling me to get the heck out of town.

"I guess I'm angry with Mac for more than just getting Savanna pregnant, I mean jeez, did you notice that we've all just accepted that she is pregnant, and he's the father?  Why did we just believe her, and the evidence she gave your dad?  We believed it because he's been screwing around like a horny dog for years, years!  This was bound to happen at some point, and with the girls he was with, gross, he basically just tied himself for life to the new version of Ronnie.  Seriously, the only difference between my mom and Savanna is that Ronnie is almost 20 years older.  That poor baby.  I know this story, I've been that baby, even if it wasn't Mac as the dad, maybe one of the other guys, I'd still so bad for that poor little innocent baby."  Surprisingly, I still have more tears, and they poor down my face.

"I don't think that Mac would ever abandon his baby like my dad did, but he sure isn't ready to be a parent.  This situation is just a total mess, and I don't think I belong anywhere near it.  It hurts too much, to know that Mac has been with her over and over again, and despite how awful she is how horrible she's been to us, the fact that he is a dad to her baby, they will forever be tied together.  Macs got to much to deal with, and I think, that I shouldn't be one of the things he needs to handle."  Shaking my head, I think I just broke up with Mac, we haven't really even been together, and now it's over.


I feel sick and angry, I hate that I have to defend myself, but I love her, she loves me, I know she'll listen to me, to know that we can do this as a team. I need her to help me with this shit storm that Savanna started. Lizzie loves me, I know she'll work with me, she won't leave.  

Even I'm having a hard time believing the thoughts in my head, fuck, is she gonna leave me?  It's not really my fault, Savanna had sex with me when I was fucking out of my mind drunk, it's not my fault!

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