Chapter 4

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Saint Ronnie Of Mystical Nightmare Wonderland Trailer Park Of Ventura

Lizzie - 17

Stef and I officially finished up our junior year of high school. It's been mostly good, some bad, some amazing and incredible, but for the most part, I just want to finish high school and move on to college.

I'm so lucky to have Stef and her family in my life. They truly saved me from an f-ed up problem  when Ronnie decided that she was tired of Ventura and she was going to move to San Diego and be a club girl in that charter.  She didn't care that I'd be left here by myself, no way to pay rent, Gram is too sick for me to live with her, so Ronnie just took off.  Ronnie left town, left her daughter, left her mother, just left her life, with zero thoughts for her mother or daughter.

Freakin mother of the year.

Thank god that Stone and Kat let me move into their house.  I have a room next to Steffies, and since they only live a couple of miles from Gram, I get to ride my bike to her house a few times a week.  My life has gone from scary and lonely in Mystical Nightmare, to a real family in living with the Sanders.

Just like we predicted, the guys never really stopped fooling around with Savannas crew, but they did make sure the witches left us mostly alone.

Jack, Mac and Slater also took care of the Savanna bully girls, well kind of took care of them, they aren't gone, and most of the girls still show up at club parties, three of them are still club sluts. But those girls keep their distance from us, Stef is a club princess so if the mean girls don't want to be blackballed here, then they have to play nice with us. Playing nice basically means that they ignore us, and we ignore them, which is exactly what we want.

Stef and Slater are so cute together, he totally frustrates her though. He won't touch her, kiss her, date her, do ANYTHING with her until she turns 18 years old. That happens the day of our high school graduation, so I am pretty sure that Stef will be celebrating more than the end of high school that night!

Unfortunately nothing that sweet has happened with Mac and me. Ha ha, there is NO Mac  and me. Even though he was sweet and kind of flirty last summer, now he is polite when he sees me around the house or at the clubhouse, but for the most part he doesn't notice me. He sleeps with anything that has a vagina, a mouth, and a pulse, and it seems he prefers giant boobs with small brains, and around here there is an ample supply of both.

I've crushed on that guy for too long, but now I'm finally realizing that it's a lost cause. I used to look forward to talking with him, spending time with him, and for a while I thought that we were really getting close to each other. We had some really nice conversations, and I saw that he would make time for me, he didn't really flirt, but it did seem like he cared, like he was interested in me and my life.  We'd watch movies, he'd stop by my room and ask questions about my job and my college plans.  Now that I look back, he wasn't any different from Jack, Slater, Parker, Coop or Luke, they're all nice and friendly, so I was probably just making too much about Macs conversations with me.

Well that is now way over and in the past. If he even notices me around the house or the club he only grunts out a "hi" or a "hey". The long talks we had are a distant memory. I pretend like it doesn't bother me, and I never talk about it with Stef.  She is so happy with Slater and his sweetness, I don't want to bum her out about her Mac and my hurt little feelings.

Stef and I both have plans to go to college together and study nursing. I'd like to be an OR nurse, and Stef wants to work with babies. To earn money I have been doing more modeling, not just the local stuff that I've been doing for the past couple of years, but now my jobs aren't just local stores and a couple of bigger clothing stores, but some national stores and I'm working with an IG girl who's a pretty popular fashionista/stylist/influencer. I'm not super psyched about the modeling, in fact I actually hate it. But I am making more money than I would have ever thought possible. I've been able to save quite a bit and that will definitely cut down on the student loans that I will have to get for school. One of the counselors at school is helping me find some scholarship options also, there are apparently quite a few available for kids like me who don't have any family to help them.  Because I play sports (I'm a fairly talented runner) and I'm very smart (aced my SAT's, ACT's and AP's!). So now need-based, academic and maybe even athletic scholarships are all possibilities.

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