Chapter 15

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Up Shit Street With A Baby Seat


"What the hell man, you fucked Savanna?"  Coop asks me, his voice enraged, his fists are clenched at his side, and it's obvious he's trying his best not to hit me.

"NO, fuck no I didn't sleep with her!  I wouldn't fucking do that to Lizzie!"  I'm pissed that no one seems to believe me, my friends, my dad, Stone, no one seems to want to fucking listen to me.

"Shit Mac, I told you that night, that I found Savanna in bed with you, I kicked her out of your room, but I have no clue what happened before I got there.  What was going on?"  Slater looks at me, asking me the one question I've been asking myself for months, what the fuck happened that night?  

Dragging my hands through my hair, I'm trying to figure out that whole fucking nightmare of a day and night.

"The last thing I remember, with any kind of strong memory, is trying to get Lizzie to talk to me, running after her when she was leaving.  After that, I kind of remember you guys talking, and Slate throwing me in my bathroom, I puked, then I got in bed and Slate gave me a trash can to puke in.  I swear, I don't remember Savanna being anywhere near my bedroom, bed, or me!  Fuck!  What the fuck did I do?"  Sitting on the side of my bed, my head in my hands, I feeling like puking all over again, though this time, I haven't had anything to drink.

All of a sudden, my door crashes open, my dad and Stone stand there, with fucking menacing scowls on their faces, and fucking Savanna stands behind them with a Harley Quinn demented smile on her face.

"Slater, Mac, anyone else in your room that night Mac?  Any of you guys in there with him?"  Stone asks the guys, they all report that they weren't in the room, though Luke apparently was in the hallway.

"Ok then, Mac, Slater and Luke, all of you in my office now.  Savanna, you're coming also."  Stone can't even look me in the eye, my dad looks like he wants to kill me, some of the guys look angry, most of them look stunned.

"Yeah, I'm coming, I want to know what the fuck went on that night!  You better get ready to talk Savanna!"  I snarl at the bitch, then my dad tells me to shut the fuck up and to get the hell into the office.

"Fuck man, you can blame Savanna all you want, but if you dropped your dick in her, then you're the one who fucked up.  She's been after you for fucking years, you played around with her, fucked her, and then that night, you were an asshole to Lizzie, and you hung around and talked to Savanna for hours leading her on.  The way this looks to me, I think you're up Shit Street with a baby seat."  Coop lays it out there, and fuck it, I don't know that he's wrong.

After leaving the guys in my room, I follow Slater and Luke to Stones office, where he's seated on the couch, next to my dad.  Savanna sitting across the room in a chair, still looking like she couldn't be any happier.  We find seats at the table, and wait for the storm to start.

"Luke, what did you see or hear that night in the hallway?"  Stone starts the questions, super calm but obviously angry voice.

"I didn't realize that Savanna was in his room, I just saw and heard the girls laughing and talking about how Savanna was 'finally gonna lock him down', I didn't know what they were talking about, and I left after a couple of seconds with one of the girls, after that, I didn't hear or see anything". Luke looks at me, sadness and frustration in his gaze.

"Ok Savanna, since it seems that Mac doesn't have any recall about the night you guys got together, why don't you fill us in on all you know, and I'm assuming that you have some proof as to the pregnancy and how far along you are?"  Stone's voice is not angry, it's just very matter of face, he walks over to Savanna to retrieve some papers and some kind of picture that she's pulled out of her pocket.  She looks to me and smiles.

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