Chapter 6

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He Is Not Cute Enough To Excuse The Crap He Spews

January 1


Dylan was right, his car is parked off in the back, totally open and ready to head out, no one blocking him in, so I slide into the front passenger seat, Stef and her tacos go in the back. Thankfully Dylan is driving kind of fast down coast highway so we won't be home late, he pulls up to the gate at 12:57, right in time!

 A new prospect named Cage is manning the gate, this guy is big, tough, and he never smiles, and definitely takes this job very seriously. He's taking his sweet time while he walks around the truck a few times, he texts a bit, rounds to the drivers window, checking out Dylan who's holding my hand, he looks in at Steffi and me, and I know it's to assess whether or not we're drunk or under the influence of any kind of drug, which is why we chose NOT to have anything to drink at the party. We knew we'd be under a microscope when we got home. If we're gonna drink, we choose to do it when we won't have to come into any contact with Stone, Kat or any of the club guys. Cage finally gives us a nod and then tells Dylan 'Drive fucking carefully, we don't want the girls hurt, if they get hurt, then you're fucking dead', he looks at our linked hands again, then again texts something in his phone and waves us off.

We're laughing and talking as the car winds up the long drive.  We're totally high on the fun of the night, and my excitement at Dylans and my new start. Pulling up to the house I see that lights are on, but I have no idea who is there, probably Kat, so we better make this a quick good bye. I look over at Dylan, smile and lean in to kiss his cheek, "Thank you for the party and the ride home Dyl, it was a great night, perfect!" I hear Stef say as she's getting out, closing the door and running up to the house. Then I feel Dylans hand on my arm, "Wait there babe, I'll get your door and walk you up."

As he walks around the car, I'm thinking that it really isn't a great idea for him to take me to the door, who knows who's on the other side, and I don't want Kat or Stone to see him kiss me good night and get upset. Well too late now, because whatever is gonna happen is out of my control now, and honestly, I don't care anymore, he is so damn cute, and he's smiling at me like he knows exactly how cute I think he is.

Dylan opens the door and pulls me out, dropping his left arm over my shoulder we walk up to the house, pausing at the front door, he turns to face me, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me in for an amazing kiss. Full on tongue, his hands gripping me tightly against him and drifting up and down my back. I pull away breathless, "Thank you Dylan, this was the best night ever, but I better go in now, I'll see you later!"

Dylan smiles and pulls away slightly, "I'll text you later tonight babe, and call you tomorrow. You're gonna be busy every day till we go back to school, you're mine, and I'm going to keep you close to me babe." He smiles and heads back to the car as I start to open the front door, it quickly gets yanked open and I'm pulled roughly inside. The door is slammed behind me as I look up to see a furious and angry Mac. "What the fuck do you think you're doing Lizzie? Who the fuck was that dick? And what are you fuckin grinding up on that guy for?" Mac has me in his grip, both hands on my upper arms holding me in place. I'm so stunned I don't know what to do or say, this is 6'4 inches and 200 plus lbs. of angry biker, and frankly it's a little intimidating! I try to get my bearings and look up at him, and finally spurt out, "What are you talking about? I wasn't grinding up or doing anything wrong Mac! I gave him a good night kiss, that's all! Why are you being so mean right now, I don't get it!" Putting my hands on his chest I try to push back and away from him.

I don't mean for my voice to hitch in a tear at the end, but he just took my great night, and totally ruined it at the end. I mean, he's acting like I'm some kind of slut!

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