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Groaning he climbed out of his canoe with a stretch, idly noting Zoe, Thalia, Castor, and Katie doing the same while the Nymphs swam the canoes back upstream to the rental place. "Hover dam," he noted idly as the gazed at the massive structure in front of them that had caused their canoe journey to halt "impressive.".

"Let's head up to the dam snack bar and get some food, maybe go to the bathroom while we have the chance. After we've eaten we can plan how to get to San Francisco and finish the quest." He ordered as they shouldered their packs and began climbing up the trail to get to the dam.

Getting to the snack bar he went up to order some food while the others went to the restroom, making sure to keep an eye out for any monsters that might show up. He was just sitting down with the others to begin eating when he gagged on his dam burrito. Looking out the window he saw three of the skeleton warriors making their way over to them purposefully, their undead eyes staring him down as he cursed. "Damn it," he growled, getting the other's attention "the Sparti are here. I'll lead them away and destroy them, you four head to the bronze angel statues. They're automatons that were built as a gift for Grandpa.".

"But-" Thalia tried to protest only for him to cut her off as he climbed out of the booth.

"No protests!" insisted before jogging out of the snack bar, barreling through the Sparti as he drew their attention, the Sparti chasing after him as he ran into the elevator to head down to the turbines. Getting down to the turbine level he took off only to grind to a halt when he rounded the corner and came face to face with a redhead girl.

Taking in her appearance he noticed her frizzy red hair, her green eyes, a red nose from what looked a cold. She wore a maroon Harvard sweat-shirt while her jeans were covered with marker stains and little holes, like she spent her free time poking them with a fork. In the split second he used making his observations he failed to notice the Sparti approaching until he heard their chattering breath.

Spinning around he saw them, their ghostly grey skin fading to transparency as their skeletons gleamed, their flesh seeming to vanish as the undead abominations reached skeletal hands towards him and the girl behind him. The moment she saw them the girl screamed but he was already moving, lunging forward as he drew two kunai from the pouch of stygian iron throwing knives he carried and struck, stabbing the first two in the throat with the underworld metal.

Unfortunately for him the third one was smarter than the first two as it leapt back and eyed him warily before it stabbed its hands into its own chest and drew out two ribs, holding them like daggers. "Well this'll be interesting." He muttered, part disturbed and part amused, as he lunged, matching the beast blow for blow with the knives as he tried to get close enough to land a fatal blow on the killing machine.

Finally he managed to sever the wrist one the beast's write arm causing it to drop both its hand and one of its rib-daggers before he pushed his advantage, quickly ending the creature's life before turning to the girl behind him. "Are you alright?" he asked her concerned, he didn't like drawing mortals into the battles of his people.

"W-what were those things?" she stammered in fear, "T-they were skeletons…they were skeletons that moved around and grew dead skin!".

Eyes widening he realized she could see through the mist and decided that the best thing to do was simply tell her part of the truth "There are more things in heaven and earth than exist in your philosophy," he said sagely as her head snapped towards him "there is another world that exists alongside your own. A world of chaos, monsters, and destruction. Only a scant few exist who have the power to stand against the darkness that threatens humanity…and even fewer are like you, born with the gift to see through the veil that shrouds our world from the eyes of those not born to it. You would be wise to keep this knowledge to yourself, most would not believe you but it would be more prudent to fear the ones who do…the ones who would use your power for their own gain. Now I have to go, stay safe.". and with that he turned and bolted down the hall, running up the stairs like a bat out of hell to get back to his friends so they could escape before more Sparti showed up.


Gaping she slid down the wall till she was sitting on the cold concrete floor, gazing at the blackish gold dust that had once been a trio of skeleton demons…thinking about the hero who had slain them. She hadn't caught his name, and she didn't know if she would ever see him again, but she knew his face, his actions, and his words, would stay with her for the rest of her life.

Sighing she slowly pushed herself off the ground, a faint blush darkening her features as she continued to think about the man who had saved her. While she knew that the odds of ever finding him again were slim to none she knew she would always have to look for him, always want to find him, after all…saving someone's life is one hell of a first impression and she wanted to see what other secrets her 'knight in shining armor' had in store.


Getting up to the ground level he saw his friends huddled around the two automatons while he faintly saw Zoe chanting something, probably a spell to keep away the mortals so they could use the automatons to escape. The moment he got close the two bronze angels ripped their feet from the pedestal they stood upon, stretching their wings as they turned towards him "About time you showed up kid," the one on the right groaned "we've been waiting for ya. I'm Chuck and I'll be taking you and the huntress girl while Hank flies your friends.".

"Thanks Chuck," he said with a nod as the bronze angel scooped Zoe and himself up, tucking each of them under an arm "and thanks for the lift. I'll be sure to try and get grandpa to give you guys a reward.".

"Don't worry about it little man," his 'ride' said laughing "we're finally getting a chance to stretch our wings. It's been ages since we've been anywhere.".

Grinning at the angel's enthusiastic response he looked over and saw Castor and Katie wrapped around each other while Hank tucked them under one arm and Thalia under the other. As he noticed this he saw the angel's bend their knees before the group shot into the air, the bronze behemoths somehow managing to fly despite being made entirely out of metal…then again the same is true with airplanes so he can't really comment about a magical flying statue.

Looking to his right at the others he was surprised to see that Thalia had her features clenched shut tightly, a fearful look on her face which he couldn't see the reason for it being there. His confusion followed him throughout their flight as they winged their way towards San Francisco.


Weakly, the daughter of Hades glared at the Titan Atlas that gazed down at her, Nico, and Artemis mockingly "Hello there little Hades Spawn," the titan said all too cheerfully as she struggled to hold up the sky along with the rest of the prisoners "I thought you might like to know that your little 'friend' Perseus will be here within a day.".

"W-what?" Artemis choked out next to her "N-no.".

"Oh yes," Atlas grinned sadistically "I will enjoy killing him in front of you three….or maybe I'll kill some of you in front of him. Either way it will result in a beautiful amount of pain.".

"P-Percy will destroy you," Nico growled out defiantly "you are no match for the greatest hero of the age.".

"Ah," Atlas said with a sickening cheerfulness "the moon spawn's little lap dog, how quaint. I'm sure he would be honored at the loyalty the dog shows its master.".

"He's my friend, not my master," Nico snarled furiously "and I will enjoy watching him beat you.".

"I highly doubt your precious Perseus will win," a new voice called out with a dark chuckle "especially not with me aiding Atlas here.". She looked and tried to see who it was that was speaking but all she could make out was a gigantic form…and two gleaming mechanical eyes.

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