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"HE WHAT!?" one of the other girls, this one with bushy brown hair and chocolate eyes, exclaimed in shock, "He fell in love!?".

Time seemed to freeze around her when she heard that, she knew Percy had a crush on her thanks to Clarisse and Amanda but love, she hadn't expected that. At the words of Artemis the blonde girl from before and the girl with the black hair that had tackled Percy gripped him and seemed scared that he would vanish if they let go.

"But I told him of the agreement with the Styx," Artemis said smiling faintly at the scared girls "so long as Percy doesn't intentionally or with cruelty break a woman's heart or betray Olympus without good reason he can stay in the hunt even if he does fall in love. If he wants to be with someone though they will have to join the hunt as well, albeit under a different oath.".

The two girls sighed in relief and let Percy go causing him to fall to the ground having been held up by their support, "Thanks," he said sarcastically "I can feel the love.".

Hearing his comment she giggled only to pale when the hunters turned towards her and studied her intently, "This the one?" the bushy haired girl asked Artemis who nodded in response.

"Come with us would you?" Zoe said and she could tell it was a demand even if it was framed as a question, "We need to talk.".


Leaning back on a rocking chair at the big house he looked over the camp from its strawberry fields over to the glistening lake which met the dark yet tranquil forest, it was a good place to stay in. Next to him in identical seats were Clarisse, Amanda, and Nico who thought he was being subtle whenever he tried to steal glances at Amanda. They had all been flashed back after his sisters took Bianca away to 'talk' with her and his mom had promised to make sure they didn't go overboard.

"When do you think they'll be back?" Nico asked after a moment, looking curiously at the spot they had landed when they flashed in.

As if his words had called them his mom, Bianca, Zoe, and Phoebe landed in a flash of silver light. "I would say about now." he said amused.

"Smart ass." Nico grumbled only for Amanda to swat the back of his head, "What was that for?" the son of Hades grumbled rubbing the attacked spot.

"Well your sister wasn't close enough to do it so I had to." Amanda said sweetly causing Nico to pout and him to laugh along with Clarisse.

After a moment Bianca and the others reached them and Zoe walked right up to him, "She passes little brother," his immortal sisters said grinning "you sure made a good choice.".

Blushing he looked down causing the others to laugh again only this time at him. Before anything else could be said Hermes appeared in a flash of white light, "Percy!" he panted "Hercules has revealed the identity of the thief!".

Shooting to his feet at the words he demanded, "Who is it?!".

At these words Hermes seemed close to tears, "M-my son," the god of travelers sobbed, falling out of the air onto his knees "Luke.".

Stunned for a moment he took a hard look, Looking to the others he said "Clarisse, Amanda, you're with me. Everyone else, try and help Hermes.".

Quickly following his orders the others either flanked him or surrounded the despairing god and tried to comfort him. Drawing his sword he quickly made his way to the sword arena where he knew Luke was teaching a class on sword fighting. Once in the ring they saw that Luke was trying to teach the Aphrodite children how to fight with little success. "CASTELLAN!" he roared when he saw the traitor causing those in the arena to turn towards him in surprise "You are going to pay for your crimes you traitor.".

Paling at his words Luke tried to make a break for it only for Amanda to shoot forward with a thunderous boom and send the son of Hermes flying, using the Thunder Run for the first time. Staggering up Luke grabbed a sword off the ground and charged them. Quickly parrying the slash of the traitor he disarmed the son of Hermes while Clarisse caught Luke in the gut with a swing from the shaft of her spear. Luke went sprawling near the Aphrodite children who ran screaming, having no idea what was going on. He saw Luke look down and grin before grabbing a sword he had dropped when they had entered, one half of the blade was celestial bronze, the other half looked to be steel.

"Goobye Percy," Luke sneered "till next time." before swinging the sword n an arc and vanishing.

"Damn it!" he yelled, stomping his foot and causing a small earthquake.

"Percy!" his mom flashed over "I felt the earthquake, what happened?".

"The traitor had some sort of sword that helped him escape, it had one side celestial bronze and other side looked to be steel." he growled.

Looking up he saw his mom pale, "That is the description for the blade of Kronos' scythe," his mom breathed out in shock. Shaking herself she turned back towards him, "You did well Percy, you drove the traitor out and pointed out that the scythe is either being remade or someone has the ability to remake it.".

Nodding he watched his mom flash out before turning to Clarisse and Amanda, "Well," he said firmly "it looks like we prepare for war.".

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