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Finishing his roar he began wading out of the sea of golden dust that was once Polyphemus, accidentally hitting his foot on the beast's skull which got a round of laughter from his friends. After escaping the dust he saw Reyna and Hylla let down the Satyr, who he didn't recognize, while Bianca and Will brought over the smaller Cyclops. Pulling out a Hermes form he slapped it onto the skull which quickly vanished in a flash of light as he began smirking as the others looked at him confused "Where'd you send the skull Perce?" Will asked confused.

Smirking he replied "I thought the throne room of Olympus could use a new decoration…preferably one that has its pale white face facing a certain sea god's throne.".

Giggling at the thought of his latest prank Bianca quickly walked over and hugged his side as she snuggled into him and declared "A fitting prank for the Son of Artemis.".

At her words the Satyr gaped before falling onto his furry hindquarters in shock, "S-s-son of Artemis?!" the goat-boy exclaimed in a mixture of shock and disbelief "That's impossible! Artemis is a virgin goddess, she doesn't have children!".

Everyone, even the Cyclops, turned to look at the Satyr in stunned disbelief before they burst out laughing making the Satyr look at them all offended. "W-what rock has your ass been living under for the past year?" Nico chocked out through his belly shaking laughs, Bianca for once not hitting her brother for cursing due to the fact that she was laughing just as hard as he was.

"I was stuck in the Juvi circuit." The satyr said, slumping sadly at the memory "They stuck me in juvenile detention schools for the past few years to find any demigods in there and, once I finally found one, I was given my searcher's license. After a couple months I managed to track the power of pan to this island where I got captured last night.".

"It's the golden fleece, not Pan." He said with a shake of his head "And I'm guessing that on the circuit you were stuck in you don't get all the news?".

The Satyr gave them a deadpan stare "I was lucky to get a newspaper in the places they sent me." Causing Clarisse to snort.

"Well last year I was kidnapped by a son of Hermes who turned out to be a traitor and brought to camp. After stopping him and an irritating daughter of Athena who attacked me I was quickly claimed by Mom and brought before the council. Grandpa ended up giving his approval by the end while I was named a friend to the lines of Apollo, Ares, Hephaestus, and Hermes. I even went on a quest to recover Grandpa's stolen Master Bolt and fought the traitor Hercules. Now we were sent here to recover the fleece and heal Thalia's poisoned tree." He explained the past year to the Satyr who paled and gasped at the last piece of information.

"Thalia's tree was poisoned?!" the Satyr demanded in horror "When?! Who?!".

"The traitor I mentioned poisoned it a couple weeks ago." He said noting the Satyr's reaction and wondered if the goat-boy had known her.

"Oh no," the Satyr gasped out, still shaken before a look of horror crossed his features "I can't imagine how Annabeth and Luke reacted to this.".

At those two names they all, bar the Cyclops, winced drawing the Satyr's attention as he shot them a confused look before Beckendorf turned to the Satyr "Luke Castellan is the traitor who kidnapped Percy, Stole the Master Bolt, and poisoned Thalia's tree. Annabeth is one of the most arrogant and disliked demigods at camp. She used to be tolerated and actually liked to an extent but she was too vehement in her proclamations of Luke's innocence after he was revealed as a traitor and she continually tries to order around the most powerful demigods at camp.".

The Satyr gaped for a moment before glaring "You're lying, I don't believe you.".

Shrugging he turned from the Satyr and walked out of the cave, an arm wrapped around his girlfriend who was still snuggled into his side while the others quickly followed him, leaving the Satyr behind as he called over his shoulder "Believe me or not, I really don't give a damn. I intend to finish my quest and then go home.". Getting to the bridge that led to the fleece and the demon piranha sheep he paused before smirking and asked "Hey Will, Bianca, you two up for a little friendly archery competition?". When they looked at him confused he pointed at the Sheep and said "Whoever gets the most kills wins!" before drawing his bow and began firing at every one of the demon sheep he could see.

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