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Sighing he looked around at his prison ce…cabin along with his jailo…sisters and wondered when he was going to be allowed to go anywhere without an escort…he literally couldn't even take a bathroom break unguarded as the hunters sent in Will and Beckendorf to make sure he 'didn't run off and get into trouble' as they put it.

After he had told everyone what he had been doing in Alaska his Mom had called down us Uncle Apollo to give him and the others a lift to Camp as she had to go hunt down a monster by herself. He had offered to come…and ended up with an extra layer of divine silver chains and two wolfs given the specific task of making sure he didn't run off.

Looking over at Zoe from his position chained to the bed he asked "Are you even going to let me participate in the Capture the Flag?".

At his question his sister walked over and flopped down onto the bed next to him as she pat his head mockingly "Awwwww," she cooed "does little Percy want to get out of his grounding?".

"Mom never grounded me!" he yelled, flailing around like a fish out of water as he tried to escape the chains which bound him "And you don't get too!".

"Do too." Zoe said smugly.

"DO NOT!" he retorted as his flailing caused him to fall off the bed with a thud.

"Yes we do." The hunters deadpanned as one.

"Not fair," he pouted before squirming again "can you at least take the chains off?".

"Are you going to try and run off?" Phoebe asked warily as she pulled out a key.

Looking down he sighed, "Please," he asked, his voice shaky "I…I can't just sit still anymore. I need to do something, anything!".

No more words were said as Phoebe unlocked his chains, pulling him into a soft hug as she tried to reassure him that everything would be alright. Ever since Nico and Bianca had been taken he had been trying to get permission to search for them, he hadn't even been able to get a prophecy to help him as Apollo told him about something interfering with the powers of the Oracle but one more major event should trigger a big enough situation for the Oracle to generate a prophecy. Even without the prophecy though he had continued to try to leave to find the Di Angelos…until Chiron and Zoe had worked together to make sure he couldn't run off again…but shooting him in the ass with a tranquilizer dart and attaching a tracking bracelet to his ankle…Clarisse and the others still wouldn't stop laughing at him about it.

As soon as Phoebe and Zoe let go he got up and headed to the arena to destroy some of the practice dummies and let off some steam, eventually getting roped into sparring with some other demigods until Clarisse and Amanda came and dragged him away.

"Any word?" he asked when they finally stopped by the creek, Will, Beckendorf, Tyson, and Thalia stepping out of the trees as they arrived.

"I sent out Iris messages to every child of Hermes I could throughout the country but I haven't gotten any response." Amanda told him once everyone had arrived which was quickly copied by the others until he got to Will.

"I haven't heard anything from the other children of Apollo but I sent word to Hylla and Reyna and they said there was a large surge of power on the west coast that might have been connected but they aren't sure." The son of Apollo told him causing him to nod in determination, while it wasn't definite it was a lead and the first one he had.

"Now we just have to survive Friday's Capture the flag," Beckendorf said with a groan as everyone turned towards him "Chiron came to a decision earlier today about what team Percy would be on and he decided that while Percy was the leader of Camp Half-Blood he was a Hunter First so he's on their team…he looked like he was close to crying when he told me.".

Son of the Moonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن