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time in women's dresses recently? I know how much you seemed to enjoy cross-dressing back when you were a 'lowly demigod'.", Hercules growled at the reminder of the times when he had been forced to dress as a woman.

"Well I am still a god so you have to obey my orders." Hercules said, arrogance clear in his voice "And I'm ordering you go to and grab my club from the nearby abandoned waterpark.".

"What," I asked laughing "were you run off by a running leaf? Some brave son of Zeus, too scared to stay at a water park without any people.".

"Just get the club brat." Hercules snapped before storming out.

"What was that all about?" Amanda asked confused about the mini-quest.

"Oh Hera probably sent something to ruin his date again." I waved it off "He's married to Hebe, goddess of youth, who just so happens to be the daughter of Zeus and Hera. Every time Hercules tries to cheat on her Hera does something to punish him.".

"But if he keeps trying to cheat on his wife then why aren't there any demigod children of Hercules?" Clarisse asked surprised.

I smirked at both of them sadistically "Simple," he told them "you see back when he was a demigod Hercules like to sleep around. He bedded all fifty of the daughters of the Thespian king Thespius, in one night, and impregnated all of them, and even had the king's permission to do so. He even once had an affair with Echidna and gave her three sons. Not to mention all of his male lovers that he had, Hercules will sleep with anyone who is willing and many who aren't. So the first time he tried to cheat on Hebe Hera showed up and cursed him with eternal sterility, he can't ever have any kids as a god.".

Amanda and Clarisse returned his feral grin "Remind me to congratulate her if I ever meet the queen of the gods." they said in tandem.

"I sent her a letter with suggestions before I left for the quest." I admitted chuckling which quickly got laughs from the girls.

After they had gotten new meals from Tanya and Josh they set off to get the club to avoid hearing even more of Hercules' whining as well as to get more chances to mock him. Tanya and Josh decided to close up the diner early to give them a lift to the waterpark which took them about an hour to drive to. To their surprise however Hera was waiting for them outside of the park's gate with the club propped up next to her, looking like she was waiting for them. "Lady Hera." I said warily, wondering why she was there.

Rolling her eyes Hera replied "Relax Hunter, I'm not here to hurt any of you.".

"You're not?" I asked in surprise, still remembering how she had acted when I saw her at the meeting of the Olympian council after I had been introduced.

"No I'm not Perseus." the queen of the gods said seeming to be amused "I heard what you said to Hercules at the diner and read your list of suggestions. I must say your suggestion of giving him to Nemesis as a new toy was quite amusing.".

Shrugging I replied "That bastard hurt my sister so I want to make him pay.".

"Well put," Hera replied nodding "well your mother didn't break any oath to have you as her son and your friends fathers aren't married, even if they shouldn't sleep around so much, so I'm trying to be respectful.".

Nodding in understanding I asked "So are we going to have to do anything to have the club?".

"No," Hera said handing him the weapon "I only want to cause problems for Hercules, not you three. But if you could…" Hera then leaned down and whispered a request into my ear which made me give a feral, wolf-like grin.

"Oh I can most definitely agree to that Grandma." I told her.

Hera paused at what I said, "Grandma," she said testing the word out before smiling faintly "you know I think I might just like that.".

"Before you leave Queen Hera," Clarisse said faintly but still got Hera's attention "I wanted to shake your hand. I was impressed with the punishment you gave Hercules the first time he attempted to cheat on Hebe.".

"Perseus told you about that then?" Hera asked the girls raising an eyebrow which got sheepish nods from the two before Hera smiled and shook their hands. "Look after my grandson you two," Hera said seriously "I still have to get to know him.".

"You got it Queen Hera." the two said in tandem, throwing their arms over his shoulders.

Nodding Hera glowed as she prepared to flash away but said "Oh and girls, you can call me Grandma as well." before she vanished.

Turning to Tanya and Josh he said "Well let's get back to that dumbass Hercules so we can get him out of our hair.".

Nodding in agreement they all loaded up into the car and drove back to the diner to see Hercules leaning against the building waiting for them. "You get my club brat?" Hercules asked once he got out of the car. Smirking I took the club and threw it at him making sure it would strike him in his useless family jewels causing the minor god to drop to his knees in pain. After a moment Hercules got back to his feet and glared at him, "You've made an enemy of me demigod. But all quests must have a reward so here," Hercules threw him a backpack "now take it and buzz off.".

Rolling my eyes I replied "You came to me remember dumbass? Oh and just so you know, that nut shot was a little greeting from Grandma Hera.".

Growling at them Hercules straddled his motorcycle and rode off before Josh and Tonya turned to them. "Alright everybody," Josh said to them "I called a friend of mine who works at the bus station, a demigod son of Hermes, and he's hooked you three up with tickets as far west as Vegas, that's all I could do.".

"It's still more than we had before so thank Josh." I said the man's hand thankfully before hugging Tanya goodbye and setting off with the girls to the station.

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