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Chapter Five


A few seconds after Clarisse knocked on the door of the Garden Gnome Emporium it opened to reveal an elderly woman wearing a veil. "Why hello children," the woman said in a voice that, while kind, felt off for some reason "what are you doing out here all alone at this hour?".

"We were taking a hike and got a little lost," he said quickly "we know we have to meet our friends in the next town over, Dewfordshire (AN: That is completely made up), but we're not sure which direction it is and we are kind of hungry which led us here as we could smell hamburgers.".

"Oh you poor dears." the elderly woman exclaimed "You come in and I'll fix you some food before sending you on your way.".

The old woman then ushered them into the Emporium and towards an open air dining area in the back with four plastic picnic tables. Along the way he saw that instead of just the normal cheery Santa Clause-esque garden Gnomes there were many that were sculptures of just about every animal found near here and several humans. When she went back inside to get the food I followed her after gesturing to Clarisse and Amanda to stay where they were, "You statues seem very life like." I comment as I try not to be sick at the fact that almost every statue had looks of absolute horror and fear on their faces.

"Yes I have been working on them almost my whole life," the elderly woman said with notable pride in her voice, as well as a subtle hint of some other emotion, anger perhaps, he noted. "Their faces are always the hardest to get right." the old woman lamented "they always come out that way.".

Noticing a pattern he asked "Has anyone ever helped you these statues?".

"Why yes at one point I did have two sisters to help me but they are no longer and I am alone again, with only my statues." the woman said not realizing that she was giving away too much information.

"Your name wouldn't happen to be Medusa would it?" he asked, his hand gripping the silver rod that would turn into his falcata when he willed it.

The old woman tensed before chuckling without any humor in her voice "You are the first in many years to realize it so quickly demigod.".

His hand gripped the rod tighter "I wouldn't have fallen for your attraction enchantment at all but I'm a little drained from using too much mist control.".

The old woman nodded sagely, "Ah yes that would do it. Now while this has been a wonderful conversation you and your friends have to die." and with those words her hand shot to her veil.

The moment I saw her move I brought out the rod and willed it to turn into a sword as I swung and removed her head from her body but one of her talons cut a deep gash in my leg as she fell making me cry out at the pain.

At the sound of my yell Clarisse and Amanda ran into the kitchen area weapons bared "Percy what happened?" Amanda demanded while Clarisse looked for threats.

Grimacing he got to his feet, using the counter for support as his leg wouldn't hold him, he gestured to Medusa's severed head and the talons that had remained after the body dissolved "It was Medusa," he stated simply "I figured it out and loped off her head when she went to remove the veil. Unfortunately for me one of her claws cut my leg as she went down and it burns. I think it's because she hasn't cleaned her talons in a while.".

Both of his companions looked down at the talons and, in tandem, said "Ew.".

"Very," he said "now could you get me some water? I need to heal my damn leg.". Quickly Amanda ran to their packs and brought him a bottle of water which he poured over the cut on his leg letting out a moan of relief when the wound began to steam before closing "Ah that's better.".

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