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-Hade's Palace (Underworld)-

-Christmas after Recovering Zeus' bolt-

Sighing happily Percy Jackson sat down at one of the small tables surrounding the courtyard while watching the partygoers. Hades had invited the Olympian council, a few of the non-council member gods and goddesses, the underworld deities, and even some ghosts from Elysium while he had been allowed to bring his friends from the quests as well as his sisters who were mingling with the fallen hunters from Elysium.

He had been dancing with Bianca for a while now but was ready for a break, his feet could only take so much dancing, before he ushered his girlfriend and her brother away so they could spend some time with their mother who had been turned into a goddess so she could marry Hades.

Plucking a drink from the passing tray of a ghostly waiter, he was just about to take a sip when he heard someone purr in his ear "Hello handsome.", making him perform a rather impressive spit take. Spinning around he saw Melinoe, daughter of Hades and Persephone as well as the goddess of ghosts, grinning at him hungrily as she dangled a sprig of mistletoe.

Gulping nervously he began backing up causing the goddess to pout before she began again, her words carrying the smell of alcohol on her breath "Awww *hic*," she simpered, still striding towards him "what's the *hic* matter? Don't you want a little kissy?".

Yelping he took off running from the inebriated goddess who was holding aloft the mistletoe and demanding that he kiss her. "Bianca!" he called out as everyone began turning towards him "Heeeeeeeelp!".

"Back off!" Bianca growled, materializing next to him in a heartbeat as she gripped his right arm in a vice-like grip while Melinoe growled part angrily and part drunkenly as she gripped his left.

"Come on *hic* sis," Melinoe grumbled as the two daughters of Hades began using him for a game of tug-of-war "you always get to *hic* have him. Let me keep him *hic* tonight!".

This just irritated his girlfriend who tugged on his arm again, angry that her own sister was trying to steal her boyfriend while said boyfriend called out "Who spiked the drinks?!".

If it weren't for the two arguing sisters one could hear a pin drop as everyone, bar said sisters, turned towards Dionysus who was flipping through a wine magazine lazily. Sensing he was being watched the god of wine and revelry looked up "Don't look at me," he said shrugging "father won't let me have access to any alcohol. I would check the giggling ghoul who's trying to sneak out over there though.".

All eyes turned, once again, one of the security ghouls that was trying to sneak away causing the spirit to gulp and accidentally drop a bottle of god level alcohol. Hades was about to go to work on the ghoul that had messed with is daughters before Nico stopped his father and whispered an idea into the ear of the Lord of the Dead causing him to grin.

Hades snapped his fingers causing a pit to open up underneath the ghoul, dropping it down before the Lord of the Underworld turned towards the hunters and Artemis "You girls want to go punish him for the mess he caused?" causing he immortal hunters to cheer happily before they jumped down the hole and after the ghoul…the screams that followed shortly afterwards would last through the night and scare even the beings in Tartarus.

"Well," Nico said cheerfully while watching his two sisters fight over a boy who appeared to be getting whiplash from the tug-of-war "what're we doing next Christmas?".

-Omake 2: Percy's first Halloween-

-Hunt's Camp-

-Percy's Age: 6-

It was a miserable Percy Jackson that sat down staring at his shredded Halloween costume while his sisters issued a beating to drunk thugs that had had stumbled across the camp and took pleasure in stealing the costume his sister's had gone out to get for him a few weeks ago so he could go trick or treating for the first time.

It hadn't taken long for his sisters to get over to him but his costume was already in tatters as Ze, Phe-Phe, and his mom began comforting him while the rest of his sisters dragged the thugs off to give them their punishments.

"I'm sorry Percy," his mom said sadly, knowing how much he had been looking forward to going trick or treating that night "but we don't have time to get a new costume and I'm not that good at conjuring regular clothing, let alone costumes.".

Everyone was silent for a moment before one of his sisters, Minerva or 'Minnie' as he liked to call her, suddenly shot up cheering "I have an idea!" before running to her tent.

An hour later a happy Percy Jackson was seen trick or treating through the small town they were near dressed up in a pair of round glasses without frames, one of Minnie's old pairs, his black bathrobe which had a Gryffindor sticker, a stick 'wand', and a marker drawn lightning bolt on his forehead as his sisters took him trick or treating. Minnie, who was a huge Harry Potter fan, had put the costume together before parading him around the camp.

Having decided to get into the theme Minnie dressed up as Professor McGonagall as they had the same name while Hermione, Susan, Tracey, and Susan all did the same.

As he was leaving his third house a group of massive teenagers tried to steal his candy bucket, sneering down at his costume "What are you supposed to be book geek?" the lead one sneered.

"I'm Harry Potter!" Percy growled at them, shielding his candy from their hands while his sisters glared and began moving the mortals away to avoid 'witnesses'.

"Oh?" one of them chuckled, making another grab for the candy "Then let's see you do a spell.".

Angrily he called the first one he could think of from having seen the movies, Minnie was determined to make him a fan, "Expecto Patronum!" he yelled, shocked when a glowing stag actually burst out of the end of his magic 'wand', not having noticed his mother behind him weaving the moonlight into a solid creature before having it charge down the now scared teens.

Laughing he began sending other spells at them, not realizing that his mother was simulating the effects with her own powers, as he chased after the teenagers that had tried to steal his candy. It would be another four years till he found out that his mom had been the one adding the power behind the 'spells'…and another five before he discovered his sisters had taken photos and videos as blackmail.

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