|69| • Amelia

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Warning ⚠️: Alcohol consumption in plenty and drunken acts, viewers discretion is advised.

Everest wasn't home today.


I blushed, shaking my head. He said he needed to catch up on the work at my brother's mechanic workshop, so he'd have to go on Saturday -- which was today. When I told him about the party, he told me to have fun with my friends. He did set some rules for me too, yes rules. If I recall correctly, the first was never to leave my drink unattended, he said if I did, I should just order a new one. He also said to stay close to my friends and not let anyone make me uncomfortable. The last was to not let a guy buy me a drink -- which he ended by giving me his card.

Smiling to myself, I looked in the mirror. It was nearly six in the evening and from what Kaji told me, the party started at six. She did say she'd be available to pick me up, and we'd meet the boy at the club that the Silvers had rented out for the night. Like I said, they were rich.

The black gown I wore almost reached my knees and it hugged my sides, making my curves look flattering. The gown hiked up slightly on one part of my leg. It wasn't a gown too formal, so I paired it with an off-shoulder shrug and a pair of wedged heels. Putting my hair into a bun, I sleeked it back with my black gel, making sure to do my edges. When I was done getting ready, I gave myself a final glance at the mirror, blushing in satisfaction.

"Should I tell Evie I'm about to leave now?" I hummed, walking out of my room into the living room. Before I could click his contact, Kaji sent me a message, she was here! Dropping my phone in my brown baguette bag. Taking one more look a the clean apartment, I locked the door, dropping the spare key with me.

A party...

Raul was right, I wasn't a party person, The most 'parties' I'd been to were formal ceremonies, just like the wedding Evie took me to a while back. I hadn't gone to a club just to unwind. There were far better ways to do it than to be couped up with dancing bodies, inhaling all sorts of cigarettes and alcoholic drinks. Kaji on the other hand seemed to be excited.

The grin on her face when I entered her car was proof enough. "Hey, Kaji." I greeted, closing the door. She cheesed, "You look beautiful, girl." I looked down, feeling my cheeks heat up. "You don't think it's too much, do you?" I asked, nervous. She seemed to also dress the part. From where I sat, she wore a black tube top paired with a leather jacket and a fitted skirt which started from her bully button. Her blue locs were let loose, dropping to her side in full volume. Kaji had a bit of makeup on, the lipstick she had on was a deep red, and it made her look...dangerous.

"Too much? Girl, you look edible. The good kind of edible." She said, wiggling her brows as though there was a hidden message in her words.

I giggled. What did that even mean?

"I'll take that odd compliment, you also look beautiful Kaji. I love your hair by the way. The blue always gets me." I admit, smiling at how vibrant it was, yet it seemed to go rather well with her bronze skin. I had always been a bit scared to dye my hair, any colour apart from my natural hair colour was far too bold for me.

Kaji smirked, "Thanks, maybe one day I'll dye yours." Her words rhymed with my thoughts. I chuckled, "One day," I replied, looking out of the window.

"So...how's the boyfriend?" Kaji asked after a brief pause, never a dull moment with this one. Turning my gaze to hers, I arched my eyebrow. "Kaji, he has a name you know. The 'boyfriend' makes him seem...t-temporary." Those words cause my stomach to tie a knot. That was the last thing I ever wanted, so why was it bugging me so much? Kaji sighed.

His Little AmeliaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora