|34| • Amelia

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Preston offered three times in total to drive me to the bakery, and I declined four times — while trying to hold in my tears (which I was doing a horrible job at). I didn't want him to look at me with pity in his eyes. He called me sunshine for goodness sake! I didn't want my tears and immature behaviour to ruin that nickname he had for me. When I tried to smile, my heart quivered. Ah...settle down heart. I tried to console her, to be honest, I wanted to go back and give Everest a punch in the gut! Then kiss him because I didn't want him to go back to her. Florescent.

Who was that woman?

How long were they engaged?

Was she the reason he stayed in the army for so long? I didn't want to think about this, I simply wanted to hug my pillow and cry. When I was done, I planned to powder my nose and go back to the bakery. Which was why I refused Preston driving me back. He'd have to wait until I was done with my breakdown. "Sunshine..." Preston called out sadly, turning off the engine.

"Please tell me what happened, or at least if you'd be okay when I leave." He kept his gaze on me, making it hard to retain my tears. Why was I even crying? I bet Florescent didn't cry this way when she was sad, was that why he liked her? She was so beautiful, slim and curvy. She was pale-skinned with long fluffy hair. Don't compare yourself. I replayed my mother's words in my head.

"I will be Preston, I'm just...being silly." A sad chuckle left my lips, I sniffed in my tears. "It's embarrassing, I know." Preston knotted his eyebrows, his lips downturned simultaneously. He moved closer to me.

"Hey, I don't know what happened in there, but your being emotional isn't silly. It means it hurts you. That's not silly sunshine." His words were comforting. Nibbling on my lips, I sighed. "I'm not going to lie, I'm worried about what'll happen when you go in. You have work in about an hour, you know?" This was his other attempt of convincing me.

He made it seem as though I'd do something terrible!

I wouldn't!

I mean, maybe? My lips quivered, I was staying here too long and my tears threatened to fall. "P-Preston," I whispered, trying not to look him in the eye. When last had I been this vulnerable? I preferred it when I was all laughs. Not tears!

"Yes, Lia?" Preston was listening, his words gentle and cautious.

"H-he...he was engaged." Finally, the tears began to flow, the sound of myself crying was foreign to my ears. My head was hot, nose stuffy. "Everest was engaged and he didn't tell me. She's so beautiful! So...so mature. And I...I feel so silly for thinking we could be together! He...Preston!" I couldn't complete my words because he came down from the car, quickly circled it and pulled me up to hug me.

"Let it out." The gentle taps on my back made me bawl harder.

"Why do I feel so hurt?! It was in the past but...I don't even know!" Preston held me tight, not complaining that I was getting his baby blue shirt wet, or the fact that I sounded like a dying chick when bawling. He just comforted me. I owed him one.

"So he was engaged in the past and didn't tell you?"

I nodded, trying to stop my tears, my hand wrapped around his neck. Whoever Wendy was, that woman was darn lucky to have such a kind man pursue her. "And, he even listened to her. She told him to let me go and he did." A part of me hoped he wouldn't let go, it hoped he'd pull me in and refuse to let me go until he explained. But a part of me wanted to leave the place, it was so choking. I was torn.

"To let you go? What do you mean?"

When I settled down, I began to tell him everything. From my first — spiteful encounter with Florescent to this one. Explaining how he never mentioned her, yet they were apparently engaged. Why did they call it off? Did she not love him anymore? Was he abusive to her?

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