|67| • Everest

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"Well I'd be darned, I didn't expect to be hearing this any time soon." Joseph snorted, sinking into the chair, head in hand. I admit, I was a bit quick, wasn't I? This was our first meeting after Amelia moved in with me and now I was asking for his blessing. 

Nervously, I rubbed my palm against my trousers to calm me down. When it came down to it, Joseph was still her father, and if I planned on marrying her -- which I darn did, I'd need to ask his permission first. The pregnant pause between us swelled by the minute. I watched his every move, the way he shifted in his seat, the way he adjusted his bonnet. Darn, I couldn't take it back now, I'd just have to take whatever he threw at me.

"Y'all have been busy busy then." He mused, gazing pointedly into my eyes. I shook my head immediately, he didn't think I was asking for her hand because she was pregnant, was he? Goodnees, no. 

"I assure you, she's not pregnant. We haven't even...never mind that. I promised to wait until marriage before I'd think of doing that with her." I explained, being as honest as possible. It'd been hard, good Lord it'd been so hard sleeping next to her and not wanting to indulge. 

But I could wait.

I would.

"That so?" Joseph smirked, raising his eyebrows for a split second and putting it back down. "It is."

"And when are you planning to propose, Simon?" The way he used my last name really made me tense up. It felt like I was in the military again. "Soon, and if she does say yes, the wedding won't be until she graduates," I say I wasn't quite sure the right time to propose, I wanted it to be romantic, something she'd look back to and let out that giggle of hers. I wanted it to be special.

"You know marriage is for better or worse, right?" He asked slowly, folding his arms. "I know, if there's a problem, we'd just have to work it out." 

"Look, all I'm saying is, I don't want no three-year marriage and done, it's till death. Keep that in mind." Was he trying to discourage me? I chuckled, nodding my head. "I know, Joseph. It's until death, I'm not planning on being a divorced man." He stared at me for what felt like hours, tapping on the table.

 We were in his office. 

It wasn't anything too fancy, the large wooden table along with a few chairs and shelves, yet this felt like a darn office meeting. Looking forward, I gave him the time he needed to process what I was saying. Amelia did message a while ago, saying she and Abel were going to visit her former workplace, which meant we had a bit of time to talk about this.

An exaggerated sigh later, he sat up. "Okay then, I guess I don't have a choice if you put it like that." He got up from his chair and walked over to me. I stood up as well, the smile threatening to burst through my lips. He extended his hands and I shook it without a second thought.

"You have my blessing then, Everest Simon."

I grinned, letting out a breathy laugh. What I didn't expect was for him to pull me into a side hug. Tensing up, my hands went to his shoulder as well. "Treat her well," He muttered. "I will."
The hug was surprisingly nice. He tapped my back reassuringly before letting me go. "Ah, so my baby girl would be a mother soon. How scary." My eyes widened at his comment. A mother?

"I don't know about soon, but-" I laughed, waving off the idea. I'd love to spend at least a year with her before a little one began growing in her belly. There was no need to rush, she was still young.

"You're right, let's not get ahead of ourselves. Having a grandchild wouldn't be so bad though."He hummed quietly, a sly smile on his face. "And don't worry, I'll keep this hush until you propose. I know Ama would be buzzing with excitement to know what we spoke about." He was right, it was hard not to give out a clue when she kept asking. Good thing she hadn't caught on just yet.

"Thanks, I'd appreciate it."

We made our way into the kitchen, it was still empty. "Oh? Where did they go?" Joseph asked, bringing his eyebrows together in question. Just as he said this, the front door opened, revealing my little lady and her brother who were bickering.

"I'm sorry! I was just so overwhelmed with emotion! I forgot about your muffin. But you're the one who didn't want us to go back!"

"How would we go back just for a muffin?"

Amelia huffed, pulling Abel's shirt. "I said I'm sorry, big bro!" She whined, pouting her lips as she gave him her best doe-eyed expression. I'd turn to pudding if faced against it. Abel on the other hand seemed immune because he just flicked her forehead, snorting. "Save that for 'Evie'."

"Don't call him that!"

"Someone overprotective." He said with a smirk. Hearing them bicker was hilarious. She was so free with him, making silly faces and exaggerated groans. I missed Saffron now. That stubborn girl.

"Hey! They're done! Hi Papa! Hey Evie!" Amelia jogged up to me, stopping at my front with an adorable smile on her face, her cheeks beaming. I wrap my arms around her, placing a kiss on her lips. She gasped, pushing me away but I wouldn't budge. I just kept holding her. "Evie! Papa is here!" She whispered hushedly. I almost laugh at this, I doubt he minded, knowing my true intentions now. Leaning closer to her ear, I whispered.

"I'm aware, princess."

She tried to wiggle out of my grip but her efforts just made me laugh. "Geez, you pair make me feel single, and I'm not!" Abel grunted, going to the dining where her dad had already sat down, waiting for us to join in.

"So, how was your talk with Papa?" She asked, looking up at me. "It was good. Your dad is a scary man, I must say." I whispered into her ear. She shivered, giggling. "I hope he didn't scare you that much."

"Don't worry baby, I'm tougher than I look."

Amelia bit her lip, holding in a smile. She looked absolutely gorgeous today, her hair was slicked back in a low bun, and her baby hair gelled back into smooth curves. I could just eat her up-- in more ways than one. "I'm glad." She whispered back. 

"Come on, let's eat." She pulled me to the dining table, taking the plates from Abel to serve us. As she did this, I had to smile at her actions. She served her Pa first, then Abel, before she set a plate down for me.

"I didn't know you were such a cook," I told Abel, he grinned, nodding his head. "Thank you,"

"His head might get even bigger if you throw in another compliment," Amelia whispered, but it was still loud enough for him to hear. Abel scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Don't be jealous because you aren't gifted in the art of cooking such a delicacy."

Amelia scrunched her face. "I'm not jealous, I'm a skilled baker." She said, sticking her tongue out. 

Joseph's laugh was a rich one, he shook his head at the two, a glint in his eyes. "Alright you two, don't go showing Everest here your true colours." I laughed at this as well. It was refreshing to hear them bicker like twins. Abel seemed to enjoy biting back at her remarks, a sly smirk plastered on his lips.

Amelia huffed, shrugging her shoulders. "Not to worry, I love all colours of her." I snuck in with a smirk of my own, knowing she'd squirm at the show of affection in front of her dad. That she did, blushing and glaring at me simultaneously.

 How adorable was she?

"Now then, shall we say grace?" Joseph announced, clasping his hands together.

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