|53| • Amelia

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Even though Evie said I should stay in my room so I wouldn't feel uncomfortable, I just couldn't! No matter how cosy the bed was, I couldn't fall asleep, I twisted and rolled along the bed, holding mister panda while tightening my eyes shut. The bed felt empty without him here, which was funny because we had never slept on the same bed before, but now that he was next door, my mind kept thinking back to him.

Was he already asleep?

Gosh, it felt so weird being in another human's house past my curfew. I looked at the unpacked bags at the edge of the room, huffing, I simply didn't have the strength to unpack them yet. No matter how much I forced myself to yawn, my eyelids didn't get heavy. Taking my phone, I squinted at the bright light which beamed from it. The time was half past ten, I had thought we would stay up together but I was already yawning by nine o'clock, yet now, I simply stared at the ceiling!

Huffing, I rolled out of bed and walked out of my room. It was dark, there was no light coming from Evie's room, did that mean he was already asleep? I nibbled on my lip, going to place my hand on his door handle. I mean, he did say I was welcome to come in any time, right? Gosh, I felt like a stalker right now.

Trying to be extra quiet, I winced when the door creaked open. Holding my breath, I tried to close it as gently as possible. When it clicked, I huffed, puffing my chest out in triumph before proceeding to tiptoe to his bed. The light from the streets shimmered through the curtains, giving me a bit of sight. I looked over at the king-sized bed, seeing his body sprawled up against it. I stifled in a giggle.

Yep, I was definitely a stalker, hovering over my boyfriend while thinking of the next step.

If I climbed to his bed, that would definitely be weird, right? Taking in my lower lip, I stretched out a hand to shake him. I guess all my stealthiness was in vain now that I was waking him. He didn't even stir, he just continued to sleep, light snores leaving him. Gently climbing his bed, I tapped him this time. "U-uhm, E-Evie?" Goodness, what was I doing? He was probably exhausted, no wonder he fell asleep so fast.

Curling my hands up, I decided to leave.

That was when he stirred, letting out a groan. I stilled, had I been caught? Turning around, I checked to see if he was awake, he wasn't. It wasn't up to a minute later, he groaned again, as though he was constrained, turning his body. I frowned, was he having a dream? Reaching for the bedside lamp, I turned it to the lowest, so I could get a good glimpse at him and not disturb him with the lights.

His eyebrows were knitted harshly together, beads of sweat began forming on his forehead, as I stared at him my worry grew. What was wrong? Touching his shoulders, I shook him. "Evie, wake up." Everest shook his head, his body jerking but he was still asleep.

He was having a nightmare.

"Evie!" I began to panic, was this what he endured everyday? Adding force, I shook him harder, sitting up to see his face. He was full on sweating now. Scared, I cupped his cheeks, my heart thudding hard. Why wasn't he waking up? What was he dreaming of?

"Everest Simon!" I yelled, cringing at how long my voice sounded in the quiet room. In that moment, his hand gripped mine which was on his face, his eyes jarring open in an instant. I squealed at his sudden movement, jumping back but he still held in to my hand.

"Shit." He groaned, slowly sitting up, his free hand pulling on his hair. "Not again," I heard his say quietly, before looking up at me, his eyebrows arching in question as though he didn't realise he was holding unto me. "Amelia?" Evie muttered slowly, his voice drowsy.

Crud, I wasn't meant to be here, was I?

"Are you okay now? You were sweating and stirring hard in your sleep." I asked, concerned. He narrowed his eyes before nodding, letting go of my hand. "I'm sorry sweetheart, did I wake you?" Everest replied, his lips downturned in a frown, did he assume I heard him from my room?
"No! It's not that. I couldn't sleep and...so I came here. I should leave, sorry to wake—" He didn't let me finish, his hands pulled me down to his bed with him, Evie then pulled me close to him.

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