|58| • Amelia

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I could hardly keep my eyes closed!

Today was the first day of culinary school!

Springing up from my bed, I stretched out with a grin on my face. A week had gone by rather fast, in such a short amount of time, I'd went on a rollercoaster of feelings. When Evie went to see Florescent that day, I felt my heart drop. I was sick to the stomach, constantly imagining them kissing or going a step further. I couldn't even look him in the eyes when he got back!

Thank God we smoothened things out.

I honestly didn't like arguing or being angry with me, it weighed me down and I could barely think of anything else. He did try to make it up to me the next day, I found it rather cute. He whipped up an English breakfast — at least his version of it, taking me on a date in the afternoon. There was no way I could stay angry at that man for a long time!

Good thing I forgave easily.

"Lord, I'm so excited!" I squealed, twirling around my room as I arranged my bed, going to the vanity table to see my reflection. I'd decided to sleep in my room last night — much to Evie's reluctance. I was beaming, my cheeks were a shade lighter from how hard I smiled, giggling, I ran back to my bed to hug mister panda.

"Are you happy for me, mister panda? I'm so excited! It's going to be my first day at culinary school! Not just any culinary school, but Gaston's!" The realisation hit me as I said this. Goodness, I couldn't believe I was in. Tuition wasn't a problem, distance wasn't an issue, I was in! Not to mention — I had a group of friends waiting for me.

How blessed could I be?

"Thank you Lord. Thank you, thank you!" After squealing about an amount of excitement into a grinning mister panda, I jumped back on my feet.

I had to get there before nine o'clock, classes were going to run until four. I planned to take a train there because I didn't want to bother Evie, but he immediately dismissed my worries. Saying he wanted to drop me. At this rate, he was going to late for his job!
Rushing to the bathroom, I pulled off my nightgown, neatly folding it into the iron rack before stepping into the glass cubicle. The cold droplets of water poured vigorously on my body, making me squeal, tending up. I was so excited that I forgot to turn on the heater!

Once my body got used to it, I squirted the shower gel into my sponge, humming as I washed my body. What was I to expected today? I hadn't seen the group since the admission, I wondered how they were doing. Taking my face scrub, I circled it on my face, closing my eyes.

I was really going to live my dream, huh?

I was done rather quickly, drying my body with the towel before coming to my bedroom and into the walk-in closet. "What to wear...?" I mumbled to myself, searching the clothes I had. I settled for a black jeans which clung to my waist but flailed at the bottom, paired with a body hug grey shirt which stopped at my waist. Putting on my black converse, I was done styling myself.

A knock brought back my attention, he was awake! "Come in!" I called out with a grin. Evie opened the door, poking his head into the space. He was already dressed up, looking as dashing as ever. His hair was swooped to the side, I noticed his beards had grown out. He looked even more manly now, my stomach fluttered at this.

"Oh, you're up and ready." Everest said, his eyebrows raised. I nodded, going to take out a scrunchy and pack up my hair. "Someone's buzzing I'm sure." He said, walking in.

"Can you tell?"

Everest chuckled, his hands going to hold my waist from behind me. "Of course I can. How'd you sleep?" Heat warmed my cheeks when I looked at our reflection, he had his eyes on me, his thumb brushing my skin. Trying to ignore how my body reacted being pressed against his, I stretched to get my brush, sleeking my front hair to the side.

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