Chapter 29: Antlers Against Horns

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With clenched hands that somehow managed to hold the large cannon in fired...

A massive intimidating plume of fire and discharged energy shot forth in violent anger as you were almost sent back down from the force.

But the next

The next micro second...

Despite your eyes watching every moment in clear couldn't even see the arrow leave the barrel...

The only thing you could see was an immediate blur and flash of white soot forth and towards the red man that had injured you.

With the wind passing by your body from the unbelievable amount of pressure and force that was suddenly released. You were able to keep on your feet long enough to see the javalin perfectly slice and peirce through the wooden railing as if it was air in its path.

But unfortunately...

You missed...

The red man must have seen the threat of the attack, because he had jumped back just in time for the shot to graze his chest...

He stepped back in a moment of shock...and your reaction was justified...

Somehow watching this man back away from someone that probably should be dead by now was...encouraging to you some how...

And the smile that he saw on your face was nothing less than pure hope and joy at the motion...


You screamed at the top of your lunges in confidence as you began to limp up to confront the man...

All of this hope...

The joy...

The renewed determination...

Your antlers shattered it's dark cocoon before revealing its bright and shining light throughout the room.

Your eyes quickly went back to being blind, but this could hear him now...

???: you know, I don't think I've met anyone as stubborn as know that?~

You smiled and laughed as you felt the giant hand held artillery weapon in your hands begin to shift back into its gauntlet mode.

Y/N: Yeah, well...I don't plan on going down any time soon...

You readied yourself as you light was able to reach the man...

???: is that so?~...that what happened last time I took you down to size?~

You managed a laugh as your light began to brighten once more.

Y/N: ah...probably because I was relying on my eyes...when-

You playfully cheered as your light continued to grow.

Y/N: I should've trusted what had gotten me this far...

You let your stance relax as you let your hands rest on your sides.

???: and that is?

You chuckled as you began to feel your antlers shift and...crack?

Y/N: what I got left!!!!

Your antlers brimmed with light as the outer crystals began to crack through the seams.

You didn't know what this couldn't tell if it was those God's powers...or if it was somthing you were now making...

But as you stood there with your antlers letting out soft crackles like wet wood on fire. Your gauntlets began to disassemble...but...

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