Choice time....IMPORTANT

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Corky: Welp!- just gave a blind guy an artillery gun gauntlets that fire 6 foot rods for shits and giggles...ANY WHO! Hi...let's see where we are-

let's see where we are-

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Corky: at....oh....oh we growing fast fast! Almost 40k already?!....damn....

*looks at script*...

Corky: okay! we go...I wanted to take the time here to remind you that your choices can and will infact kill this kid. I mean...

His life was at the mercy of a coin one point...

Corky: and things are just gonna get worse from here on out still. But the choices I will put up here will drastically change how this blind guy goes forth from now on...

So good luck~

1. After the fight, Y/N will...

A. Leave Menagerie

B. Stay

C. Get kidnapped

D. Have another vision


2. Y/N will act more _______ towards others

A. Brutal

B. Calm

C. Violent

D. Kind

E. Bright

F. Cold

G. Distant

H. Custom choice


3. Corky: you get to choose who the next challenges is~ (comment who you want him to fight next)


4. Whatever may come next...or the next big thing to happen to him...will he-

A. Win

B. Loose

C. Survive

D. Escape

E. Die (again)

F. Fight

G. Surrender

H. Pass out

I. Get kidnapped

J. Custom choice


5. Corky:....will he find love?....

A. Yes

B. No


6. When he sees "them" will he now act?

A. Rageful...

B. Resentful...

C. Disrespectful...

D. Disregard...

E. Kindness...

F. Forgiveness...

G. Innocence

H. Calm

I. Distrustful

J. Ignorance

K. Custom choice


7. While exploring. Y/N may find

A. Wisdome...

B. Information...

C. Peace...

D. Training...

E. Custom choice


8. During his travels. Y/N will find a/an

A. Friend

B. A hidden ability(your choice of power)

D. A companion/familiar

E. A strange gadget (your choice of gadget)

F. Custom choice...


9. Who may he (meet / see again)...
Corky: there is a reason they are all female....

A. Sienna

B. Blake

C. Neo

D. Velvet

E. Summer

F. Yang

G. Winter

H. Glynda

I. Cinder...

J. Coco

K. Weiss

L. Raven

M. Phyrra

N. Custom choice


10. What path will he choose....(important) WARNING-CAN OVERWRITE PREVIOUS CHOICES

A. Go on the light and dark figure's journey to defeat Salem...(dark/light)

B. Go back to Salem in surrender and work for her again...(dark)

C. Go back to Beacon and stop the attack...(light)

D. Go to Roman at Vale to see if he could help...(neutral: danger)

E. Find Sienna and get into the white fang...(neutral: danger)

F. Go back to the forest....(end)

G. Custom choice...


Corky : and there you have it...choose wisely now!...because this will drastically change his fate...have fun~

Corky: oh, and the script has always been guys have been making it for me~

A New Perspective: The Blind Faith (Blind reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now