Chapter 11: The Wizard of- (short chapter...I think?)

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??? Pov

I walked into Vale's infirmary before reaching a set of guards standing by side by side in front of a door that leads to a hospital room.

I looked into the eyes of the guards, and they parted ways to allow me entrance without problems...

Glynda: I don't see why you wanted to see this boy professor Ozpin...why don't you let the authorities take care of this, and have him go through the proper channels?

I spared a glance as I spoke.

Ozpin: because one of our students has personally vouched for this young man...

I then looked inside the room. There, on an medical bed...laid a deer faunus...

Ozpin: and from what I found...there is nothing on this one...

Glynda: record of birth, no criminal records, no identifications...just the name she provided, right?

Ozpin: correct...his name is Y/N...

I walked into the room before carefully inspecting the unconscious boy.

Several bandages were around his neck, chest, and right arm. With one wide bandage covering his eyes.

Glynda: 3 crack ribs, a broken left arm. Several lacerations along both back and chest...must have been quite the fight...

I smiled to myself...

Ozpin: only he didn't fight...

I glanced over to a sturdy wooden table. On top of it laid an assortment of several oversized javelins...but the shattered bow indicated that these things were fired...

Ozpin: did the inspection team finish their report on his weapons?

Glynda: yes...the bow itself can shift into a walking stick, but with it's weight and ammunition...the team had noted that it would've taken 5 people to just pull back on the string alone...

I placed my cane against the wall before attempting to hold the bow in my hands.

With one hand, I struggled to even nudge it to the side, but with both, I was barely able to lift it slightly off the table.

The several inner cables and shatter mechanisms draped outwards as gravity forced the broken lines and support to hang limp under the bow while I struggled to hold it.

Ozpin: he was moving with this...and firing these?

I placed the bow back on the wooden table, hearing the creaking wood as it struggled to hold the weight.

I then attempted to pick up the oversized arrows.

The six foot projectiles laid in order along the table with taped labels from the authorities.

Glynda: those took two men each to bring in here...

Ozpin: yet he had them all in a quiver by themselves?

I brushed my hand along the wooden and metal frame of the "arrow" before looking at the sharpened ends.

Dust crystals lined either the edges, the tips, or the spine of each arrow, with some even looking more modified than most.

I then looked towards the boy in question...

His body build would've suggested that he was athletic. But in the case of his was deceiving...

Blake had already made mention that he was blind, which furthered my interest.

But as my mind drifted at the thought of using this boy's talent to help us...I looked to his right arm...and saw his hand twitch...

A New Perspective: The Blind Faith (Blind reader x RWBY)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя