Chapter 21: A Queen's Wrath...

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"What do you think of the world...?"

Her words vibrated and echoed within your mind as you recalled all of your past experiences...

In this past months, you have been subject to many new enjoyable, and...less than enjoyable experiences...

You got to experience your first city...Making friends...making rivals...learning how to fend for yourself in the world...being taken in...having another mother figure for a while...and helping others in their goals...

But...Out of all of it?

Every time you had a break through, or new was paid for in blood..."your" blood to be exact...

Protecting your friends at the docks; the fight at Beacon...Hell! Even Cardin made you bleed first before becoming your friendly rival...then a new question popped in your mind...

"Was it worth it?"

With everything you had experience and encountered before sitting here before the Queen of Grimm...was it really worth it...?

I mean...sure you had your fun...but...would it even matter?

You searched and searched for an answer made a little discovery...

In the back of your mind, in every corner of discovery...there was always one present emotion...

You were always..."nervous"...

Y/N: n-nervous...

Salem: "nervous"?...a bland word of description for a child who can now finally see once more...

Salem looked at you with an unimpressed look before leaning back in you throne...was she...bored?

Y/N: i-I'm sorry!''s just...before I left the forge, that place was the only true home I've ever known...and the only reference I've ever had...

You looked down in shame as you continued to speak.

Y/N: W-when I left...I didn't have much to go by...every new sound and new person to meet...i-it really was exciting!-but...I couldn't help but feel nervous at every turn...

You recounted the time when you had waken up in the afraid you were...

Y/N: there were times when even all of my senses couldn't give me...and mu first instinct was to defend myself...

Salem: and now?~...seeing as it has did it make you feel...

Salem asked with a slightly interested smirk.

Y/N: well...I don't mean any disrespect,'s like talking to you...

Salem: oh?...and how may that be?...

Y/N: i-...I don't have a nice word, but..."cautious"...when I speak to you...I feel like I need to be cautious...

Although you didn't see it...Salems expression turned into a hidden anger...her hands grasping the arm rests as she began to squeeze.

Y/N: I had really only met you once before, at the forge...but that one experience opened hundreds of doors!...but even then...I recognize just how powerful you may be...and so I turned at every corner with that same recognition...every step I took, either it being guided or alone. I had to make myself look like a speck when comparing myself to anything...

Salem's expression changed into that of interest once more...

Salem: compared the size of your small world and compared it to the grander size of the world as a whole...and this made you...?

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