Chapter 28: A Fang's Reckoning...

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Looking at the female who was now in a defensive stance with a raiper type tilted your head in still numb and dazed confusion.

Y/N: name is Y/N...who are you?

The girl was silent, only stepping around the bed you were still on...she was trying to get a better angle on you...

You looked down at the knife you had unconsciously caught while you were waking up from your vision...

Y/N: your the one that stabbed me.......that hurt by the way...

You spoke out in a saddened tone as you rubbed away the remaining tears on your face.

???: it wasn't supposed to...

The female finally spoke up, and you reacted accordingly...

Y/N: ah! So you can uh...reminded me of a friend...but..."wasn't supposed to hurt"?

The room went silent for a moment.

???: there was enough numbing agents laced in that blade to knock down an would've shut down your body and organs before you even began to feel the was supposed to be a painless death...

Y/N: I see...well...I'm still here...what's your name?-

You.tried to respond to her with kindness, but-

???: I'll ask the questions here!...

Your words were cut short as the lady aimed and pointed her blade to you.

???: what have you done to be a target to the White Fang...?

You looked at the girl with a confused look.

Y/N: the white fang?...I mean...I walked around Vale with Sienna...does that mean anything?

???: w-what?- no! What did you do to become a target!...

She shouted her question again as the answer had became more were never a target to the white fang before...but now?...

Y/N:'s because I left without dying...

Silence filled the room...

???: left what?...the white fang!?

Y/N: w-what? I've never joined the white fang before!...I-...I just left...

She rushed in close with her blade. She pushed its sharp tip against your neck while continuing to force you to speak.

???: and what did you leave!?

With all the truth of heart you could muster...your mind was brought back to all the areas and time you had spent with others...patch...the forge...vale...Beacon...Salem's left them all with the same leave and to never be used again...

Y/N: I left only family...but if I had to's because I left Sa-

You were mid way through your sentence, the door leading into the room opened up

Kali: Y/N? I heard you speaking to someone...are you awake now-....

Kali walked in with a tray of what looked like water...but the tray was dropped as Kali looked at the scene before her...

Kali: Ilia? that you? that was her name?


Ilia said nothing, but her reaction was more than enough to put you at unease.

With one swift motion, Ilia shifted her form before aiming her blade at Kali.

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