24- The Meeting

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Mal's POV

I was at a meeting in the meeting room with Ben and the current rulers of the kingdoms in the United States of Auradon, as well as Belle and Adam and Fairy Godmother.

"I think we all know why we're here" Adam said to us.

"The people are in a panic about Hades. He almost got out!?" He continued.

"Who knows what he would've done if he had escaped?" FGM added.

"We can't risk having more villains on the loose." Adam stated.

"I really feel like this is my fault. I'm supposed to protect Auradon." I said before turning towards Ben.

"You did! You do, protect Auradon." He assured me.

"Every time we open the barrier, we're exposed to danger. Maleficent, Uma and Naomi, Hades!" Adam spoke again until we were interrupted by Ben's phone ringing.

I was a bit pissed when he said Naomi, she, after all, was still my sister.

Ben came off the phone call, "Maleficent's septer and the Queen's crown have been stolen" he said worried.

"Uma and Naomi!" Adam accused.

"We don't know that dad!" Ben argued.

"It wouldn't be Naomi." I said.

"Why? Because you were so sure she was good when you last saw her, you know, when she kidnapped the King of Auradon." Aladdin said rolling his eyes and scoffing.

"Hey! Just because you and her father have an ancient grudge against each other, doesn't mean that you can accuse her of things like that! And yes I AM sure it wasn't her because WE saw her on the isle!" I argued. He looked down in shame.

"Now! Are we done accusing my sister and can we get to the point here!" I said pissed. Belle and Adam looked impressed that I was able to handle that situation without it getting out of hand.

"Sorry, don't know what came over me." Aladdin said.

"Anyway, when the people hear this, they won't want to leave their houses. What do we tell them?" Belle asked.

Shit, I didn't think about that. I.. I guess we only have one option left that will guarantee the safety of everyone. I really don't want to but, we have to, I have to.

"Mal? What do we do? How do we keep evil out of Auradon?" Belle asked me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I think.... that there's only.. only one way to guarantee their safety. And I think that there can't be.. anymore going in and out." I said my voice breaking a little, "I think that we have to close the barrier.... forever" I finished with tears in my eyes.

"No" Ben muttered as he turned away.

"Son" Adam called out to him.

"No" he repeated.

"Ben" I said from being the courage to follow him.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no!" He kept mumbling.

"Hey. I do not want to take away your dream because it was so beautiful, and it was the reason I fell in love with you. But, as King and as Queen, what is our duty?" I said through teary eyes.

"To protect Auradon" he muttered to me. I sniffed and nodded.

"But do you know what that means. All those kids? Are you prepared for that? And your sister! You just found out and you won't be able to see her again. Do you really want that?" He asked me.

"I know what it means... and no, I'm not prepared for it. As for my sister, I really don't want that. I just think we have no other choice." I stated.

"Son" Adam called out, gaining everyone's attention.

"Mal's right" he said as I turned towards them.

"I just don't think we would ever forgive ourselves if anything terrible happens." I stated again.


Ben finally agreed with me, along with the other rulers and we were free to go finish our things.

"Uhm, babe I gonna go to Evie's for a bit. Is that ok?" I asked him.

"Yeah, yeah it's fine. I gotta finish some paper work first anyway" he said. We kissed and he walked off saying, "bye Bertha"

"Bye Florian" I replied. Right now I gotta tell E. This is gonna be hard.

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