3- New Family

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It's been a month and a bit since the gang left, over that time I got bitter over it and now I had decided to officially join Uma's crew.

I walked up to the gate at 'Ursula's Chip Shop' and stepped in.

"Hey~" I said in a sing song tone.

"There you are! Finally! I waited long enough for your decision." Uma said as she had a genuine smile on her face and a hopeful glint in her eyes.

"Ok you can at least try hide the excitement" I said laughing, "plus we had a deal, I'm sticking to my end. But I do have a new condition."

"Hold up that wasn't the deal Las!" Harry came up next to Uma.

"Oh shut it, what are you her lawyer, it's her choice. Plus I think you'll agree with me on this one." I said with an evil smirk.

"I'll hear it out if it's so great." She said expecting something unreasonable and stupid, hoping to talk me out of it.

"I want revenge! Simple enough? On Mal, Evie, Carlos and Jay! For leaving and forgetting us. What do you say?" I say with an evil glint in my eyes.

"Wow! Didn't think yed have it in ya" Harry said smiling at my bitterness towards my ex- friends.

"Well they kinda left me here to die. So I might as well hurt them, in a way!" I said, ignoring the fact Uma was looking at me concerned.

"What do you mean by, 'to die'?" She said, trying not to how her worry. I looked at her and tried to brush her stare off, it didn't work. I ended up surrendering.

I sighed, "Anywhere private?" I say knowing it would be harder to explain so I'd just show it.

She led me to the back where a room was. "By the way this is your room!"

"Woah... it's awesome!" I said, awestruck. The walls were painted with waves and beaches and it had one circular window that had a view of the ocean.

"Anyway. What did you mean by, 'left here to die'?" She said worried, again.

"Well.. my 'dad'," I put air quotes around dad, "kinda..." I took a deep breath in, "hurt me. I told Jay about it, so yeah." I said pulling up my bruised and cut ribs and showing my bruised and scratched arm, along with taking off my fingerless gloves to show my knuckles.

"Holy Hades... are you ok? Do you need like any healing supplies?" She said holding up a big bag.

"Not unless you've got one to fix bones cos my ribs are broken and it hurts like the underworld." I said nonchalantly.

"Wait.. you had broken ribs when you stole our things? And you still ran?!" She did shocked.

"Yeah- I kinda got used to it..."

"That's deep shit. I mean deeper than the 17 seas deep."

"Yeah.. anyway!" I didn't like talking about my past so I decided to change the subject. "Tell me about the pirate life! I always loved the idea of being one. But... Ja- he.. wouldn't let me."

"Well it's amazing, I spend most the time in the ship and normally commanding people to do the dirty work, we also have now became the most feared kids on the isle along with you and ransack places for money. Ya know, the usual!" She explains

"That sound amazing!" I respond back, I had always loved pirate culture, I used to ask Captain Hook for his book about his adventures in Neverland. And only his Pirate ones. He always had a soft spot for me.

"Right!" she said agreeing with me, "Now! If you want to join the crew, you are going to need to get out of that hideous outfit. I mean seriously? Ugh!" She looked at the outfit in disgust. Right now I was wearing a idiotic dress that had purple, blue and white on it, I HATED it, but it was still the best thing in my closet and with no money and no job, I have no way of getting anymore clothes.

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