5- Will you go on a date?

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Naomi's POV

It had a 2 months since me and Maire shared a kiss. Honestly it was fine, we started hanging around each other more, I felt as if I could trust her with my life. It was a bit awkward though, we didn't really talk about it.

One day, I was walking to the east coast of the Isle, I was supposed to meet Harry there for sword training but he said he was busy so he got a "sub".

Little did I know, it was Hook Jr herself.

"Mare? Are you helping me with sword fighting?"

"No-mi? Yeah it's me! And I guess so!"

"Well I hope you don't mind a challenge, apparently I'm a natural" I said winking. She blushed and we laughed.

"Welp! Let's get started then. I'm not as good as Harry." She said, I knew what she was doing, she was trying to guilt trick me into thinking that she was bad. I knew she wasn't, I had seen her fight Harry before.

"Yeah.. I'm not actually very good..." I said acting embarrassed, she had never seen me fight before so I can tell she believed me. We got in the starting position, en garde, and start to fight, I surprised her, when she realised I could actually fight.

I struck, she dodged. She slashed, I blocked. I lunged forward, she dodged and struck, I blocked and attacked. This went on for about 30 minutes until we both surrendered and collapsed on the ground.

"You lied" she said to me, I laughed.

"So did you." I argued back.

We both laughed as we walked back to the chip shop.

We talked for a while, until she stopped. I looked at her questionably. She took a deep breath in. Now I was getting worried.

"You ok? What's wrong" I asked, I was worried but I didn't show it.

She smiled, "you're worried" she said smirking. I playfully glared at her, trying to hide my smile that seem to creep through.

"Ok... don't freak out." She said, nervously drumming a beat onto her thigh and bouncing up and down slightly, I love when she does that.

"Hey." I say holding her hands in mine and staring into her eyes, "you can tell me anything"

"willyougoonadatewithme?" She said super fast, so fast I couldn't actually understand.

"Ok... say that again, but slooooowweeeerrrr" I said.

"Will you... go... on a... datewithme?" She said. I stood there, shocked. I could hear breathing behind me and I knew who it was instantly. Well who they were.

"Right... hold that thought" I said with a smirk and a wink, I turned my back to her looking confused and walked over to the barrels. I grabbed 2 ears, they belonged to, believe it or not, Uma and Harry! (Note the sarcasm) I glared at them and let go of their ears, I grabbed Gil's hand and pulled them all out, "really?" I said to them.

I walked over to Mare and grabbed her hand and walked away from them. I looked on her eyes, they were full of worry. I smirked at that.

"You're worried" I said, mocking what she said earlier. She laughed and I grabbed her waist and pulled her in. She put her hands around my neck and smiled. I kissed her passionately and she kissed back. I smiled against her lips and pulled away.

"Does that answer your question?" I asked her.

"Well it's not clea-" she started. I cut her off by kissing her again.

I pulled away after a bit for air and I said, "yes, I will go on a date for you"

She smiled so much and didn't even bother hiding it, neither did I. We walked back to Uma, Harry and Gil. We decided to sneak up on them, Harry was a mess, wondering if we were ok, Uma was laughing at Harry being so worried and Gil, well his mind was just somewhere else.

We snuck up listening to their conversation.

Uma: Harry. You gotta calm down! Honestly they've lived here all their lives!

Harry: Oh sOrRy, if I'm worried about my little sisters!

Uma: SisterS? Like plural? Oh My God! Harry Hook cares about someone who isn't himself or his biological sibling! What has the world came to!

Harry: Well... FIINNEEEE! Ok yes, I do think of Naomi as a sister! Because she is one! She only has the crew left and I'm not letting her go!

I smiled at this, I loved that he cared about me.

"Let's go out now" I whisper to Mare, smiling.

"Ok, but let's jump scare them"Mare's whispers back.


"You go in and say I ran off, when Harry gets worried I'm going to jump out and scare him, make sure he's backed up against here, ok?" She whispered with an evil smile on her face.

"Wow! Look at you! Being mean, didn't think you'd have it in ya!" I said in a mocking shocked tone. She shoved me playfully and laughed quietly.

I sneak to go back in the direction I took Mare to, and walked back to head to the trio.

"Naomi! Are you o-..." Uma started but stopped when she realised I was alone. I had gotten really good at acting over the 2 months with the crew. So good that no one could tell when I was acting.

I stared looking down, I made myself cry. A tear rolled down my cheek.

"Naomi, where's Mare?" Harry asked, really worried.

"She.. she walked away. I haven't seen her since." I said looking down, making tears drop down onto my cheek and roll of my face.

They all looked at me and Harry backed up against the barrels that Mare was hiding my out of.

3..., I thought. Harry looked at me shocked.

2..., I stared to where me and Mare left.

1! Once I thought that, Mare came out scaring everyone except for me. Me and her laughed so hard at their faces. Uma looked confused and mad. Gil looked shocked and relieved. Harry looked relieved but angry. Until, that is, he saw my arm sling around her shoulder, then he looked angry.

"HOW WAS THAT FUNNY!?" He yelled/asked.

"Hey! Don't look at me! Your innocent little sister came up with it! Not me!" I said laughing my head off.

"Yeah! And it was the best thing I did! I'm so glad you can make yourself cry! It was hilarious!" We both laughed, Gil and Uma joined in. Harry practically had steam out his ears.

I grabbed Mare's hand, "yeah.. we gonna head off now..... BYE!" We ran back to the chip shop, laughing and jumping across roof tops.

"I have one rule about our date by the way!" I said before going to my room.

"What?" She asked looking at me intriguingly.

"I can tell you have no idea what to do, so I want to plan it! Plus I have a idea." I said smirking and held my hand out.

"Deal!" She said.

"Perfect! I'll meet you at your room on Thursday!" I told her while shaking her hand, confirming the deal.

"That only gives you 3 days?" She told me.

"Yeah, I know. Trust me, ok?" I told her.


"Night Love!" I said dropping her off at her room.

"Night! Evil dreams!" She replied and head in her room.

I walked back to mine, got changed and collapsed on my bed, falling asleep almost instantly. Today was amazing, I thought.

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