19- Inbetween Movies

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It has been 3 months since the incident at Cotillion and still no sign from Uma. I was starting to get worried for her, I mean what if she was caught as her sea monster style and captured.

I knew she wouldn't abandon us, EVER. Even if she hated us, which she doesn't, she wouldn't abandon the other kids from an unhealthy and unfair lifestyle.

I was walking to Dr Faciliers Arcade to meet with Celia. We had to go to Hades Lair to deliver things for him.

Since I came back, me, Celia and Dizzy have been besties, we would always go out and do things together, we helped Dizzy in her shop and helped Celia with the arcade. They couldn't really help me with anything though, since I was a pirate and I had to have confidential things.

Me and Marie broke up 5 weeks after I came back. We decided we were better as being friends. Now she had a huge crush on a girl called Arianna, who is daughter of Mother Gothel and sister of that dickhead Adrian. I don't understand how someone so nice can be related to someone so annoying.

Anyway, I knocked on the back door (the secret knock) and entered it. I saw Dr Facilier serving costumers and walked down the stairs.

"Hey Dr Voodoo! Where's Celia?" I asked him.

"Ah! Hello Nia! She's in her room waiting for you, have fun and get into trouble!" He called to me while I left for Celia.

He was one of the nicer villains, I'm glad Celia had a dad like him. He treated me and Dizzy like daughters.

"Ok! We will!" I yelled back. I went up to Celia's room to find her drawing Auradon.

I walked in and slammed the door yelling, "Honey! I'm Home!"

I scared Celia half to death, she jumped out her chair and grabbed a mug to throw at me. I caught it with ease, from all the training sessions I have with Harry.

"Holy Shit! Don't do that again!" She complained.

"Awwwww, but it's so fun" I replied smirking. She just stuck her tongue out, I did the same.

"Come on, we gotta go" I said to her.

"Yeah yeah" she said getting up groggily.

We walked out of her room, she grabbed her key to Hades's lair and we said goodbye to Dr. Voodoo.

Me and Celia walked out of the arcade and towards the shops. "Soooo, what do you think about King Ben making changes to the Isle?" Celia asked.

"Honestly, I'm glad he finally took Evie's advice" I said smiling. "Celia, we already know Dizzy's going. But I think you are going to." I said to her.

"Really? What makes you say that?" She asks curiously.

"Well, when the Core Four ruled, Mal was really close to you. And she's not choosing me so it's got to be you!" I reasoned.

"So, does that mean Jay's gonna pick you?" She asked.

"I'm not going, not yet." I said to her, she looked at me confused, "I can't abandon Harry and Gil." I said.

"Fair enough, they are basically your brothers." She agreed.

"Plus I'm still waiting on Uma." I said which made Celia look at me confused. I looked at her and sighed, "She's my big sister. I know she's coming back." I said looking out to the edge of the Isle.

"I'm sure she will" she said smiling at me. "Ok, I'll go get food and you get the fruit ok?"

"Uuugghhh I really don't want to go Golden Fruits" I complained.

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