15- The Tour

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"Ew" I said in disgust. "It's so.. vivid". I was saying while walking into Mal and Evie's room.

"Hey, be grateful. When we first arrived it was pink." Evie said pushing me towards a stool to stand on.

"Yeah, ok I'm glad I didn't have to see that." I said imagining it.

Once Evie took my measurements, she started asking me questions like what my favourite colour was and what style do I like.

"Hey.. Naomi. I have a question. Do you really hate us." She asked.

"Well, I mean I did for a long time. But your one of the ones I can stand." I said to her, she looked at me confused.

I sighed, "Jay knew about the abuse and still left me, not mentioning me at all, Mal.. well, she's the leader and she is also, I guess, my half-sister so it still hurts a lot, and I was fine with Carlos... until he attacked my girlfriend." I said in one breath.

Evie looked at me and smiled, "but that doesn't mean I forgive you guys... I mean, you still left me and forgot about me." I said, her smile turned into a frown.

"Uhm.. ok done. I guess, you can find Jay or Carlos and get a tour." She said to me when she finished the measurements.

I groaned but left, I didn't bother saying bye. When I left the room, I bumped into someone.

"Watch it!" I said to them. I was on the floor.

I saw it was a boy he was standing over me and had his hand out, "I'm so sorry darling! I'm Emir, who may you be?" He said.

I smacked his hand away and got up by myself and dusted myself off, "Call me Shar" I said to him.

"Shar? Like Evil?" He said concerned.

"Yep, now horrid chit chat, but I have to go see my... yeah" I said turning away.

He was about to speak again when I bumped into somebody else. "Ugh! Why am I so fucking clumsy today." I mumbled to myself.

I looked up to see Carlos, "Hey Naomi, I was just coming to see you!" Carlos said.

"You, call me Shar" I said to him while getting up. "Plus I was coming to see you and Jay, Evie said I should have a tour to keep me busy." I said rolling my eyes.

"Oh.. ok... Shar. Uhm, yeah well let's start then. Bye Emir." He said. I rolled my eyes and walked away. Carlos guiding me to Jay and around the school.


"And this is where Jay is, the fencing court" he says. I saw a bunch of boys doing push ups and that girl, who's name I now know is Lonnie.

"Could I have a round?" I asked Carlos.

"I mean, can I trust you with a sword?" he said, with an annoying smirk.

All the boys walk away after Lonnie blows the whistle and Jay walks towards us he smiles at me and Carlos.

"She wants to have a fight" Carlos said, I stood there, not bothered to do anything.

"Maybe after Cotillion, we all have to get ready" Jay said.

"Ok" Carlos turns to me and is about to tell me what I just heard but I cut him off.

"I heard" I said.

We walk away, they make small talk with me. "So, Naomi-" Jay starts, I cut him off.

"You, call me Shar. Only friends call me Naomi" I said to them, they frowned but still carried on with small talk.

"So.. Shar. What are you wearing?" Jay asks me.

"You'll have to wait and see." I say as we walk to her room.

"Funny joke, but what are you actually wearing?" Carlos asked curiously.

"I don't joke with people like you." I spat.

They both looked sad, "why do you hate us so much?" Jay finally asked.

"Ask Evie, I told her" I said while walking into her and Mal's room. I was breathing heavily and feeling dizzy that I didn't even realise that Mal was there.

"Hey, Naomi?" She asked. I didn't answer, I just kept looking around for a safe place to collapse. "Naomi? Are you ok?" She asked getting up, my ears were ringing so much I couldn't hear her and my vision was so blurry that I couldn't see her.

Then I collapsed, on the floor. Right then. Right there.

Mal's POV

I was reading my textbook when I heard the door open. I looked up to see Naomi breathing heavily.

"Hey, Naomi?" I asked concerned. She didn't answer. She just looked around the room. I got even more worried.

"Naomi? Are you ok?" I asked, getting off the bed and putting my book down. She kept breathing heavier and heavier, her eyes were getting droopy and she fainted.

"NAOMI!" I yelled.

I heard footsteps from outside and I heard Carlos and Jay's voices.

"Hey Mal? We heard yelling, is everything alri-" Jay came in and say Naomi on the floor passed out.

"NO! NO, SHE JUST PASSED OUT! GET FGM! NOW" I yelled at him. He ran.

5 minutes later FGM came in and saw her, she saw the bracelets. "Does she have magic?" She asked me.

"Yes why?" I said to her. She pointed at the bracelet.

"They are made to contain magic, if they are on a person for too long, their magic could overwhelm and explode. Nothing bad will happen to the holder, but it may have a massive effect on the people surrounding. Ok quick, let's move her to the tourney field" she explained.

We got there and I placed her in the middle, I ran back to the VKs and we hid behind a wall, FGM stood in front of us and used her wand to take the bracelets off. She hid next to us uas a huge blast wave was realised. It knocked us all back.

I heard a cough. "W-what happened?"

"Naomi!" Jay said and he ran over too her. He tried to hug her but she crawled back and put her hands up defensively to protect her face.

"S-sorry" she said. She stuttered, she has always been so confident. What did we leave her with.

She must have realised what she'd done because her face went back to the emotionless one we've seen throughout this trip.

She just stood up and walked to FGM, "uhm.. thanks, i guess" she said.

"It's ok dear.. now I advise all of you to get ready for Cotillion." FGM said as she ushered us out.

We all walked in silence until Carlos spoke up.

"Naomi-" he started.

"Shar." She cut him off.

He breathed in deep, "Shar... I'm sorry. We didn't know that... We..." he trailed off.

She sighed, "it's... fine" she said.

We all looked up at her in shock, "but still doesn't mean I forgive you for the other things" she said.

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