8- Kidnapping

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Harry said he saw Mal at Curl Up & Dye. I smiled at this. Now we could finally get well overdue revenge.

Just then, Gil ran in.


"Gil, deep breaths." I said to him, my hands on his shoulders, we both took deep breaths.

Then he said calmer. "I saw Carlos, Evie, Jay and King Ben!"

My smirk grew bigger and more intense.

"What you thinking Shar?" Said looking at me.

"Well. We kidnap the king and use him as bait to bring Mal to get something, like." I paused, then an idea snapped in my head, "The wand! Yes we can use the King to get the wand and bring the barrier down!"

"I love it! Yes! We have to do that! But who'll get the King and trick the bitches?" She asked herself.

"Why not leave it up to your first mates?" Harry asked bringing me into a side hug.

"Ooh! Can I hurt them, pleeeeeaaaasse!!" I begged.

"Are you sure?" Uma asked me, did she not think I was on her side completely? Wow, that hurts, not as much as what they put me through though.

"If you think I'm gonna abandon you all here and go back with them willingly, you are VERY mistaken. They've put me through so much and that's something I will never forgive. Plus you guys are my family." I said to them.

They all smiled at my answer. "Good, ok you two go and track them, any idea where they might be going?"

"Oh I have an idea." I said to them. I dragged Harry out the store and waved the crew over with an evil smirk. They were going to the old hide out.

Jay's POV

We just ran into Gil, crap. That's not good, now Uma knows we are here. I couldn't think of that, I'm so glad I get to see Naomi again! I feel bad I left her in the wrath of our father and I cut off contact with her because I was too busy. Maybe she's still in the Hide Out. Oh Zeus, I left here here with our abusive dad. How could I!

"Jay" Carlos said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"You good?" Evie said.

"Yeah, yeah.. honestly I'm thinking about Naomi..." I said truthfully.

"I can't believe I left her here, just like that! She's only 15 and what if Pops got her again.." I said thinking out loud.

"What do you mean 'got her'?" Carlos asked. Shit, uhmmm, lie lie lie, WHATS A LIE I CAN USE! COME ON BRAIN, DAMN IT!

"I found out something the day we left. Dad was...... mean to her. I can't believe I didn't help her or realise! Ugh I'm such a bad brother!"

"Jay, it's ok. Remember family day, we asked where she was and he said she ran. So she's safe." Evie tried to comfort me.

"What if she isn't! E, it's the Isle! She could have died! Or been taken! Or Pops could have lied for all we know!" I said.

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