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[Jacob POV]

I was woke up by my phone alarm that I forgot to turn off yesterday and just couldn't get back to sleep. So I decided to get up and make something for breakfast. I figured this way, maybe Luca would eat something before dinner. I just did bacon and toast because I accidentally didn't put it in the freezer after I first bought it, so I know I needed to get it made soon. Luca actually didn't take that long to wake up after me. Maybe 10 minutes? So I was in the middle of frying it over the stove top.
"Jakey," He whined, stumbling to me. I guess he woke up big.
"Come here," I mumbled, letting him hug onto me while I flipped the bacon over. This is the last of it, so I wasn't thinking of the oil possibly popping at hurting him. Thank God that it didn't.

I turned off the stove and set the last set onto a paper plate with the rest. At this point, he still hadn't let go of me, so I told him to go sit at the table. His hair had totally dried overnight, and now it looked really bright, actually. It makes sense cause of how light of a brown his hair is, but I didn't expect it. I didn't bother to get plates. Just set the entire thing on the table for both of us to grab.
"Will you eat breakfast?" I asked as I scooted my chair closer to the dining table.
"I'll try," He mumbled, rubbing his eyes. His bed head it cute, I think. I started eating part of it, probably more than was a normal serving, but I didn't really care. Meanwhile, Luca kept carefully eating around the fat on it.
"Why do you eat it like that?" I asked out of the blue.
"I don't like the other part. It feels weird to bite and stuff," He explained, continuing to avoid the white parts. I'd really appreciate it if today could be a lazy day off. Don't go anywhere, don't leave the house, just watch movies and cuddle.

After I finished my portion of breakfast, I got up, washed my hands, and turned on my phone. Then I remembered Spade didn't get to see the final state of his hair. So, I opened my camera and snapped a quick picture. He finished chewing his bite before asking to see the picture I took. So I showed him.
"Ew, I look gross," He said, kinda giggling.
"Nu uh! I'm making that my wallpaper," I declared, making him smile a bit. He decided he was done and threw out what he ate off of, leaving the few pieces left on the table. Instantly after, he went to go brush his teeth and hair.
While he was gone, I played music over a wireless speaker I got a while ago. It was obviously not blasting or anything. It's just loud enough that you could maybe hear it if you pressed yourself right against the front door. I let it sit on the coffee table in the living room as I went back to the bathroom, deciding I should brush my teeth too.

At some point, Luca gagged as he got the back of his throat, making him spit instantly.
"You don't choke on me like that," I commented, making him pout.
"Well, maybe your dick's just small," He remarked, smiling at himself a little.
"It's completely average," I quickly corrected him, playfully shoving him away from the sink.
"Sure," He mumbled.
"Do you need me to prove it or something?" I asked, rinsing my toothbrush as I spit one last time. He giggled and nodded, stepping closer to me again. I quickly pulled him into a deep, passionate, rough kiss. He whined as I pulled away and started biting onto his neck.
"Aah fuck~" He moaned, sticky cum shooting into his boxers.
"Aww, you came just from me biting you? My desperate little fuck toy just needed me now, huh?" I demeaned him.
"I can't help it, I was hard this morning..." He whined. After he came, he said he could keep going. But, it didn't feel right.
"Baby, it's okay. Really. I like to make you feel good, I don't have to fuck you everytime," I said, smiling at him.
"I love you," He said, gently kissing my lips.

[Luca POV]
Jacob suggested watching a movie, which he had no problem with.
"Can we watch the mouse one again?" I asked, excited again.
"From last night?" He asked. I figured it was because there's multiple mouse movies. Hell, for all he knew, I might be talking about Cinderella.
"Mhm. Please, I didn't finish it..." I confirmed, slipping off the sink counter.
"That's fine. Do you want your sippy?" He asked our of habit. He know I'm not little, but it's a question he normally has to ask me
"Do you not trust me with a normal cup or something?" I questioned, giggling a little.
"I'm preparing for when you slip halfway through the movie," He commented, walking into the kitchen while he flopped down on the couch.
"I won't!" I informed him as he took my sippy cup from the strainer.

I did eventually. Dady put on the movie, and it got kinda sad, so I really needed Dady to hold me. I might've woken him up when I said it, though. He did when I asked, but I guess he was sleepy cause he went to bed while cuddling. It wasn't my naptime yet, so I just laid with him for a while. The I got bored so I went to go find something fun to do. In the process, I stubbed my toe against the dresser, which made me groan and lay down on the floor for a second. I rolled over and saw a certain stuffed animal under the dresser. The same one I had been missing for what felt like forever now.

[Jacob POV]
I guess I fell asleep, even though I didn't remember. And I woke up to him shrieking. I shot up and staggered as I walked to the bedroom. I don't know if something serious happened, but I'm still gonna go see. As I opened the bedroom door, Luca was lying on the bedroom floor, cuddling his stuffie.
"Dady!" He squeeled, holding Jupiter close.
"Find! I find," I rubbed my eyes and nodded, trying to be silently supportive. I laid on the bed, not planning to fall asleep. I just wanted to lay down.
"Dady... cuddle me," He whined, laying next to me. I didn't say anything, just held him like he asked. He was silent, so it's not like I was trying to pass out. I just couldn't help it.

"Noooo, I wish he was up. He's sleepin' right now," I woke up to him saying.
"Aww. Well, have him call me back when he's up. Okay, Lukie?" A familiar voice said. I figured it was Spade calling, so I just rolled onto my back.
"Kay Kay. Love you. Byeeee," He said before one of them hung up.
"Was it Spade?" I asked, catching his attention.
"Mhm. He says you gotta call him back," Luca explained as he laid my phone on my chest. I pulled him close, making him try to wiggle away.
"Don't run away from me, cuddle me," I told him, not letting him go yet.
"Papa!" He giggled, making me fake pout and let go.
"Don' be sad," He mumbled, crawling to the other side of the bed.
"Find Jupiter,"
"Oh, you found him? Good job, Baby. I'm sure he missed you," I softly praised him.
"Ya!" He agreed, hugging Jupiter close to his chest.
"He miss me," Luca commented. I ignored the fact that Jupiter couldn't physically miss anything and just agreed with him.

"Why did Spade want me to call him back?" I asked after I remembered Spade had called.
"He didn't say," Luca answered without taking his attention off his stuffie. So I did. I called Spade and waited for what felt like forever for him to pick up.
"Hey, Luca said you needed me to call you back?" I questioned as he answered.
"Yeah. Am I on speaker?" He asked.
"Yes..." I answered, suddenly curious what the hell he was gonna say.

"Im just gonna say it then. Kayden called me... Um, he said that he's gonna kill himself. I didn't know what to really do other than try and talk him down, so I called 911. But now, I don't know what they're gonna decide. I just wanted to tell you he might still be out and everything if he lies his ass off and tells everyone something different like he always does," Spade half ranted.
"I'm gonna be honest. If he did actually go through with it, I would throw a fucking party and piss on his corpse at the open casket funeral he'll most likely have," I said honestly. I seriously don't fucking care what that little bitch boy decides to do to himself. As long as it doesn't affect my baby.
"I don't blame you, man. I'm just trying to keep you in the loop. You know?" He asked, making me realize that might've sounded like I was upset at Spade for telling me.
"I know, I'm not saying it towards you. Thank you for telling me, but I just don't like hearing about him," I sighed as Luca rolled around the bed.
"You're good. That's really all I called to tell you," He said.
"Alright. I'll talk to you sometime," I mumbled before we exchanged goodbyes.

"Papa..." Luca whispered, reaching back over for me even though he just moved away 2 minutes ago. I didn't complain though, just pulled him in my lap.
"Hi, cutie," I said, smiling at him before kissing his head.
"M sorry," He mumbled, holding me.
"What for, Bubba?" I asked. I don't think there's anything for him to even want to apologize for. He just shrugged at first.
"I just feel bad... I don know what's wrong," He tried to explain.
"That's okay," I mumbled, laying down on my side. He followed my lead and scooted close to me. He was on his back instead. God, I'd love to get stoned right now. Maybe it's just cause it's my day off, but it sounds so nice.
"Kiss?" He softly asked, holding his stuffie up to my mouth. I couldn't help when I chucked a bit, but I pecked his toy's cheek regardless.

"Jupiter makes me sad sometimes..." Luca whispered, almost like he didn't wanna say it out loud.
"Why's that, Baby?" I asked, rubbing his back.
"He reminds me of Kayden. But it's not his fault, so I can't be mad or anything," He explained, sniffling and turning onto his belly.
"Jupiter just wants you to be happy. It you need a different stuffie cause he makes you sad, then he wants you to. You know? He understands," I tried to convince him.
"Mtay.." He mumbled. I have a feeling this is gonna be something I have to convince him won't be a big deal.

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