31 POV: Stan

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TWs, fighting, violence, character death, blood, lore reveal


I watch in shock as Kenny and Craig break out in a fistfight, sending constant blows against eachother at full force.

"Stop!" Bebe yells out, frozen in surprise, before turning to Kyle and I. "Stop them!"

"What!?" Kyle calls out in response, facing Bebe. "Us? We don't even know what's happening!"

"That doesn't matter, they'll tear eachother apart!" the blonde snaps, her fists clenched.

"Tell us what's happening." I insist, glancing back at the boys in combat. They're pretty evenly matched, so I reckon they'll be at this until they pass out from exhaustion.

Bebe scoffs in disbelief. "Sort your fucking priorities out! Break up their fight or something, they'll kill eachother!"

"Tell us first." Kyle steps in with an expression of anger, causing the girl to sigh in defeat.

"Fine." she mutters, taking one last look at the two boys absorbed in the fight, before turning her back to face Kyle and I completely. "Where to start."

"Craig killed Butters?" I raise the question, still letting the shock sink in.

Bebe nods. "It was an accident, but yes. Craig is the one who killed and drained Butters, and he was the one who chased you that night. Kennys shock was genuine, and he never found out it was Craig, until recently."

"Why is Tweek dead then? As revenge?" I continue.

"Yeah. Kenny killed Tweek earlier, Craig and Clyde must've found out after being called to the principals office earlier today. I imagine Craig pieced it all together to find out that it was Kenny to kill him. Can you stop the fighting now?"

"And then Tolkien just... died?" Kyle raises an eyebrow, confused.

"Yeah, but that was also Kenny. Kenny was using Tolkien for entertainment, and later, to lead suspicion away from himself. But when he confessed to being human, I..." she takes a deep breath, lowering her head. "I told Kenny over the phone, who later that night, killed Tolkien."

"Oh." I mumble, feeling quite surprised. "So this was all because of Kenny?"

"In a way," Bebe sighs, "but also Craig because he killed Butters in the beginni-"

A loud bang sounds in the empty park, and within a second, Bebe sinks to the floor.

I feel my heart stop as I watch the blonde slowly bleed crimson red onto the grass around her, staining the green strands of nature with blood.

Behind her, Kenny stands, pointing a gun where she had stood. His face is slightly bruised, his hands are shaky, and his breath heavy. Craig sits on the floor, his nose bloody and his knuckles red.

"I can't trust anyone, can I?" the blonde vampire mutters, casting the gun aside.

"K-Kenny- what the fuck-!" Kyle calls out, fumbling his words in surprise as he stares teary-eyed at his dead friend.

"I'm sorry." Kenny says, before turning heel and sprinting away.

I immediately start running after him, though I'm slightly slower. Kyle runs beside me, overtaking me quite quickly as he starts gaining on the blonde.

Kenny swerves round a corner, catching the two of us off guard, as we stumble slightly to keep up. As we regain balance, we see the vampire having paused at the end of the road.

He repeatedly punches at the slightly ajar window of a car, until it shatters under his strength. Kenny instantly jumps in through the window and begins to hot-wire the car system into starting.

"The fuck?" Kyle exclaims, before we continue running down the road towards him.

The car engine then rumbles, splutters, then lets out a successful hum symbolising it's on. Almost immediately, the car starts driving quickly down the empty concrete road, headed towards the forest path.

We watch him speed down the overgrown pathway, driving through red lights and not pausing at crossings.

"It's done." Kyle sighs, leaning his forehead against my shoulder in defeat. "He's gone. He won."

I pat his shoulder in comfort, my gaze glued on the bright red stolen car speeding the road.

Until it doesn't speed - it much rather stops. Stops?

With the impact of hitting a deer at high speed, the car instantly swerves off the side of the road after colliding with something.

The glass windows shatter as the metal front hood screeches at response to the sudden impact, and I watch in horror as the blood red car tumbles down into a ditch, landing on its side.

Kyle doesn't hesitate to start running towards the crash, eyes flickering around the scene, before he jumps into the ditch after Kenny.

I scan the blood stains on the road, following it up, to see what the blonde had hit.

The mangled, blood stained corpse of none other than Eric Cartman lies further down the forest path, his skin scratched and scraped, leaving trails of organ and fibre across the road.

"Oh my god," I mutter to myself, feeling sick to the stomach at the sight of all the blood.

I turn quickly towards the ditch, before running towards the shambles that used to be the stolen car, scanning the scene for Kyle.

The boy angles himself with force, trying to push the hunk of metal over. Under the car itself, I see a bloodied, limp arm extended slightly from under the car door.

"Kyle-" I start, catching my voice in my throat. "Ky, come here-"

"No- oh god, oh god, is he-"

I watch the redhead continue scavenging amongst the wreck, tears threatening to spill from his eyes as he pulls apart metal by metal, catching corners and drawing blood on his fingertips.

"Cmere," I mumble, approaching the vampire and holding tightly onto his shoulders.

"What if he- what if he's dead? Oh god, I know Kenny did bad shit, but- he's my best friend- I- he-"

I interrupt him by pulling him close to me in a hug, wrapping my arms around his torso as I hold him close. I feel the taller boy tense up slightly, before hugging me back tightly, his breathing fast-paced and unsteady.

"I'll call someone," I mumble, taking an arm off him momentarily to pull out my phone. "I'll dial 911, okay? He'll be okay."

"What if he isn't?" Kyle whispers back, letting go of me entirely, and wiping the teardrop from his eye with his sleeve. "Ugh- sorry-" He then says, laughing nervously.

My phone starts ringing as I try to get ahold of some kind of service right now.

"Don't apologise, it's fine, he'll be fine." I reassure the redhead, smiling sadly. "Kenny's gonna make it. He's strong. Maybe he'll go to prison, probably, but he won't die on us, I hope."

I mutter the last part to myself, trying to keep back any worry, grief and sadness I'm experiencing as to not cause more concern for the boy.

Suddenly, my phone answers.

"Nine-one-one, what's the emergency?"



next chapter is the last, then there'll be an epilogue‼️

is there any point asking for theories if i've already kinda explained the plot?? if you guys have questions or don't understand anything, comment a question and i'll try to answer :3

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