7 POV: Stan

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TWs, none i think

I stand by the bus stop with Cartman, silent. I'm slightly tired, and also concerned about last night.

Kyle said he "fucked up" somehow, and since no messages came after, I'm assuming Kenny unblocked him so they could talk privately.

I wonder what happened? What did Kyle do wrong, and he seemed scared or something too
in his voice notes.

His voice was all wavering, and unsteady. It cracked a few times too. Maybe I can ask him.

As if on command, I look up to the sound of footsteps, and see Kenny and Kyle approaching in the distance. My face lights up as I start to smile.

"Hi guys," I call out, and Kenny waves back, Kyle just smiles.

"Eugh, it's you guys." Cartman scoffs, rolling his eyes.

Kyle scowls at the fat boy, before standing next to me, joining me in the wait for the bus. Kenny stands on the other side with Cartman.

A few minutes of comfortable silence later, the bus pulls up, the doors sliding open with a screech. Someone needs to oil those stupid fucking doors, I think to myself, stepping on the bus and heading to my usual seat at the back.

Before Kyle could sit next to Kenny, I call out. "Kyle, come sit with me, pleaseee."

The boy turns to me, pausing, before nodding and taking the window seat beside me.

Looking at him, I notice how strange he looks. He always did look strange, but today, he seems more "out of it".

"Are you alright?" I ask him, watching his eyes flicker in my direction.

"Hm?" he hums questioningly in response.

"Last night," I start, "you seemed worried about something, then said you fucked up. What happened?"

The red-head stays quiet for a moment, causing me to raise an eyebrow in confusion.

He then speaks up. "Not much."

I listen patiently to him, intrigued on whatever might have occurred last night.

"Just a small accident." Kyle then says, smiling nervously.

Confused, I ask further. "What accident? What happened?"

"I got..." he stops himself, debating whether of not he should continue, which he then decides to do. "...stabbed? By some girl- girl, guy, person, I don't know."

My eyes widen in shock. "You got stabbed!?" I exclaim, surprised.

"Yes, but it wasn't too bad, I didn't break anything."

"Where'd you get stabbed? Was it a deep injury? Or just a scratch?" I continue to question, curiosity pushing aside my concern.

"In the arm, not too bad." he shrugs, and I think for a moment.

"Can I see?"


"I've never seen a stab wound before, I'm just kind of intrigued." I defend myself, feeling embarrassed to just ask such a simple thing.

The boy glances out the window, at the scenery consisting of green trees and grass, under a cloudy, hidden sun.

Kyle then nods, and starts taking off his coat.

I watch in interest as he removes his orange coat, keeping my eyes firmly on his movements.

Once he finishes, he twists his body round to show me his right arm, and my eyes scan his pale, freckled skin until they reach his shoulder.

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