26 POV: Stan

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(guys this is a short filler chapter because i'm in a little bit of a writers block 😞)

TWs, confusing plot🔥

We stand on Tolkiens front porch, having knocked on his door. He answers within a second or so, with a tired expression on his face.

He takes a moment to inspect each of us.

Bebe stands confidently, her blonde curls pulled back in a ponytail. She has one hand on her hip, the other hanging loosely by her side.

Kyle is awkwardly waiting beside me. He looks drained, and has a small bandage round his forehead, protecting his wound. He seems nervous, and confused, his eyes glued Tolkien.

I stand infront of the doorway. Though feeling nervous, I try to seem as confident as Bebe, to not worry anyone else. The last thing we need right now is doubt and fear.

"Can I... help you three?" the boy in the doorway asks, seeming slightly shaken.

What happened?

I nod, "Yeah, actually. We need to talk. Also, sorry for knocking you out by, you know, pushing you and causing your head to be hit on the table."

"Wait, you what?" Bebe adds, staring at me in confusion and surprise.

"I want nothing to do with you." Tolkien deadpans, glaring at Kyle, who seems really uneasy.

"Wait, it's not gonna cause an argument or fight, can we please just talk-" I start, before being interrupted.

"No, Stan, I'm done. I don't want anything to do with any of this anymore. He's taken it too far, and I am so done with all of this!" Tolkien snaps, going to slam the door, but Kyle places his foot between the frame, stopping the door from closing.

"He? Who's he? Talk to us." the redhead argues, stopping the door from being shut. "What's wrong with you?"

"Get out! Get out of my doorway, off of my lawn, and away from me!" Tolkien replies in anger, swinging the door back open.

"Hey, Tolkien, it's alright. What's going on?" Bebe asks, her tone more soft and comforting than that of mine and Kyles. She reaches a hand out, smiling reassuringly. "You can talk to us, it's okay-"

"Get out." he repeats, lightly batting her hand away, and stepping onto the porch with us.

"Look, Tolkien," I start, "We're going to leave. Me and Kyle."

"We are?" Kyle asks, confused.

"So there's no need to be all mad with us. We're leaving South Park, and I'm going to take him around Europe. Maybe we'll go to Germany, or England. Or even Italy, I don't know."

The pretty redhead chips in again, "Wait, really?" he asks, his face seeming brighter and more excited.

I blush slightly at his expression and enthusiastic response. He's so beautiful, I love it when he's excited.

I'm hopeless with this boy. I think to myself, smiling.

I turn back to Tolkien, clearing my throat awkwardly, before continuing to talk. "Anyways, we'll be out of your way. You won't have to worry anymore, you can return to being a vampire in peace, without Ky killing an-"

"-I'm not a vampire." Tolkien interrupts, looking back at his house with an expression I can't quite decipher.

"Wait, what?" I hear Bebe mumble, just as stunned as Kyle and I.

"I said, I'm not a vampire."


(hi guys‼️ sorry for the short chapter, i've just been in a majour writing block rn and i cant euufjkkgk)

(this is confusing, i know, so if you guys have any questions about the book, then i'll answer the ones i can under this comment👍)

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