5 POV: Kyle

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TWs, slurs, sensitive topics + mention of eating disorders, mockery of eating disorders, mockery of other disorders, Naziism. (💀)

I sit in class, tapping my pen against the desk, unfocused.

This is so dumb. Why am I even here?

I look to my left, seeing Kenny writing notes in on his paper. I look back to the front, as the teacher rambles on, pointing to the large chalkboard with symbols all over.

I don't even know how to read.

I sigh quietly, letting my head fall to the desk with a thud. I feel tiredness approaching, I might have to sleep soon.

A snapping voice brings me out of my trance. "Mr Broflovski!" it says in a hostile manner.

I lazily lift my head from the table, blowing at the few small strands of ginger curls escaping into my face. "Hm?"

"Are you sleeping in my class?" the teacher asks, and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"No? If I was asleep, I wouldn't have heard you." I respond, feeling dumb for stating such obvious facts.

"Are you talking back to me!?" he exclaims dramatically, putting his chalk down.

I watch him in unsure confusion. "Uh..."

I could drain this asshole in seconds.

"Oh, and now you're ignoring me!" the teacher laughs sarcastically, and I just sit there awkwardly, confused.

"Uh, no I'm not."

"Oh for fucks sake! One of these days, I need to get a new student who isn't a such a total retard!"

I raise an eyebrow, uncomfortable by the situation. "I'm... sorry? I think?"

The teacher scoffs, looking at me in disbelief. "The sarcasm is completely unnecessary, Kyle! Go take yourself to the councillors office, right now. I don't want to see your face."

I unsurely stand, putting my pen into my bag, then slowly walking towards the exit, glancing around the class.

Stan and I make eye contact for a moment, before the door is slammed shut behind me.

What the fuck just happened.

I start wondering down the hallways, trying to recall where Stan had said the Councillors Office had been.

Passing the entrance to the cafeteria, I start retracing the steps from recess, until, sure enough, I end up outside the councillors office.

I gently knock on the door, waiting patiently outside. I take a seat on the bench, pulling the sides of my hat down firmly so the green ushanka would stay secure on my head and keep my inhumane ears under cover.

Oh god, this is way more stressful than I thought it'd be. Why am I even here? What do I say? I was just told to come here, what the fuck do I do?

I think to myself, while my leg taps quietly against the tiled floors, making an echo across the hallway.

I continue sneaking glances at the closed door of the councillors office, debating whether or not I should knock again, or just let myself in.

Before I could stand, the door clicks open.

A boy walks out, wearing a blue chullo hat with a yellow poofball, a blue jacket, and grey trousers.

He looks at me as I smile awkwardly. He just flips me off.

"Alright Craig, wait out here, mkay? I'll be back with you in a bit." a voice from inside the room calls out, and I stand in instinct.

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