15 POV: Kyle

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TWs, uhh

The minute the bus stop comes into view, I start running, leaving a confused Stan behind me.

"Kenny Kenny Kenny Kenny Kenny," I call out, running in his direction.

"Kyle, Kyle, Kyle?" the blonde says unsurely as I get nearer, hands stuffed in the pockets of his parka. Cartman - just as confused - raises an eyebrow at the situation.

"Kenny Kenny Kenny!!" I say, gasping for breath when I arrive. Stan slowly arrives behind me.

"Breathe, Kyle. What?" Kenny asks, staring at me weirdly.

"I.. have to... tell you... something!" I manage between breaths, hands on my knees to regain control of my heart-rate. Stan pats my back in confused reassurance.

"What is it?" the blonde replies.

I blink a few times, straightening my posture. I glance at Stan from the corner of my eye, then my gaze switches to Cartman, and back to Kenny. "Uh, privately."

"Sorry," Stan smiles apologetically, before going over to Cartman and dragging him by the backpack down the street to give us privacy.

I smile at his actions, then turning to Kenny, seeing his suspicious glare on me.

"What is it, loverboy."

"So yesterday after sport Tolkien came and he took me away from you guys and he beat me up in the school bathrooms and threatened me because he's a vampire and he doesn't like me because I'm also a vampire and apparently I'm really shitty at killing people so he doesn't like how obvious I make the deaths and now he wants me dead, OH," I take a deep breath after rambling, refilling my burning lungs with needed oxygen.

"What, the fuck." Kenny says blankly, staring at me. "I understood the basics of that."


"Tolkien's a vampire like us but wants you dead because you make victims painfully obvious that they were killed by vampires?"

I nod, smiling. "Yeah pretty much!"

"So when will he kill you? Like, do we have time to plan a perfect funeral, or time to run away? And does he know I'm also a vampire?" Kenny questions me, listing things on his fingers.

"Uh..." I search back in my memory of yesterdays occurrence. "He wants to kill me when I'm alone, so there aren't any witnesses to pin back on him. And he didn't mention you at all, so... doubt it."

"Well," Kenny clears his throat, stretching his back. "That's quite a situation you've got yourself in!"

"Thank you!" I smile, beaming.

"That wasn't a compliment."

"You're welcome."


"We're backk!!" Cartman calls out, walking over. "We got bored waiting for you losers to finish."

"Speak for yourself," Stan mutters, rolling his eyes.

Kenny smiles reassuringly. "Don't worry, we were done anyways."

I nod in agreement, feeling Stan's curious gaze burning through my skin. The extra bright sun doesn't help, as I feel the heat rays piercing my face, bringing nauseous feelings to my throat.

I need to sit down or something, I think to myself, feeling sweat build up. Or even better, get indoors. The sun's gonna make me black out.

Like a miracle itself, the bus pulls up infront of us just as I feel my legs weakening.

Kenny steps on the bus first, with me following close behind, mumbling "Bright," under my breath.

Cravings (STYLE)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang