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"Are those reporters?," driver Han ask himself while staring outside YG where Jisoo asked him to take her and Eunwoo.

"The news already broke out expect something like that driver Han," Jisoo replied.

"Geez there's plenty of them," driver Han added.

"Are you sure you want to go out there alone and get what you need inside?," Eunwoo asked her.

"Yeah," Jisoo replied.

"But Jisoo they will get much more intrigued if you go out alone," driver Han said.

Jisoo stared at the crowd of reporters outside the building then she look at driver Han then at Eunwoo who was now staring outside the van window.

She exhaled, "alright let's go together"

Eunwoo nodded.

"I'm just one call away Eunwoo," driver Han remind him.

Eunwoo nodded at him. Driver Han then got out from the driver's seat and open the door for them. Once they place their foot on the YG building cameras already pointing at them. Eunwoo hold her hand tightly.

The guards spotted them and they help them to pass by the hallway without getting hurt. Then driver Han took off to find his place to park and wait for his two famous boss.

"Eunwoo is it true that you cheated with your co star Park Gyu-young?," a reporter asked out loud.

Jisoo stop walking and so Eunwoo stop too. She turned around.

"My husband was with me that day and no he did not cheat. In fact he helped her instead. She was about to loss her consciousness that day and thank God my husband was around so he immediately come to the rescue as any human being would do," Jisoo replied probably answering the question.

Then the ocean of reporters flock them again.

"And Jisoo can you explain the photos of you riding the public bus surfacing around the internet," another one asked.

"Is it true that you and Eunwoo broke up that time?," another one added.

"Alright Mr and Mrs. Lee will answer all of your questions later tonight so please reserve your questions later. They will make a public interview with every reporter who wanted to ask about the issues. Thank you," Eunwoo's manager said joining the growing crowd.

"Manager? What are you doing her at YG?," Eunwoo asked her surprised to see her inside.

"Well me and your wife's manager talked about this issues," she replied.

"Hello ma'am good morning," Jisoo said.

"Oh good morning Mrs. Lee! Shall we go inside?," she instead talk to Jisoo.

Jisoo nodded.

They left Eunwoo alone for 10 good seconds.

"Woman," he muttered while walking behind them.


"This will probably be a big issue. Isn't this the photos we saw a week ago and the reason why Jisoo and Eunwoo become separated for a whole week?," Jennie asked Lisa and Rosé.

"It's our fault. If we did not interfere with this Jisoo and Eunwoo won't be separated for a week and those photos will not be leaked," Rosé said.

"Oh gosh I think the government already summoned them," Lisa added.

The three of them sulk on their seats.

Meanwhile Jisoo and Eunwoo's manager was talking while walking and they are going to talk with Jisoo's manager together. The four of them.

"So the star of the week is here!," Jisoo's manager said approaching them.

Jisoo hugged her and so does Eunwoo's manager.

"Where is your famous husband?," her manager asked.

"Here," Eunwoo replied arriving and standing beside his wife.

"Great the pack is complete shall we proceed inside and prepare for the interviews?," her manager asked them.

"Shoot," Eunwoo's manager replied.

Jisoo's manager said that the interview will be held at KBS Station that evening at 6:00 pm sharp and that they will probably asked them about the photos and their status. If they are still married, separated, together, or planning to separate.

"The media is always exaggerating," Eunwoo muttered looking at the papers that their manager's gave them it was a list of possible questions.

"They are much more worse now specially when the news broke about two idols getting married," Jisoo's manager replied.

"And now this. Involving an actress. What a small world. Jisoo just started her actress debut and now this issue with an actress hah! Very funny," her manager said.

"Ver untimely too," Eunwoo's manager added.

"That makes me want to ask why is Park Gyu-young outside and alone?," Jisoo's manager asked.

"She was intoxicated and perhaps that's why she go out alone," Eunwoo replied.

"What? She's drinking?," Eunwoo's manager asked shock about what she heard.

"She smelled like alcohol that day," Eunwoo added.

"Geez what makes her like that?," his manager asked again.

"Maybe she have a problem," Jisoo said.

"That makes sense but her manager can prevent this from happening ya know," her manager replied.

"Yeah you got a point and hey what happened when you took her to the hospital?," Eunwoo's manager asked him.

"Well she was unconscious for hours," Eunwoo replied.

"And you waited for her to gain consciousness?," Jisoo asked him.

"Yeah. I mean I can't leave before her manager arrives," Eunwoo replied explaining.

"Oh then why are you still there when her manager arrives?," Jisoo's manager asked.

"Because her manager insist that I stayed since she was calling my name from her sleep," Eunwoo explained.

"Hmm sounds fishy to me," his manager replied.

"Come on why are you interrogating me?," Eunwoo asked her.

"What? I'm just asking possible questions," his manager replied.

"Yeah unless you don't want Jisoo here to know where you are and what happened there?," Jisoo's manager said.

Eunwoo gulps,'did I just dig my own grave?'

He asked himself.

"Be sure to answer their questions with no hesitation and only the truth. This might cause everything that you have now. Including each other," Eunwoo's manager said.

"She's right. We don't want you two separated. Let's meet again later," Jisoo's manager agreed.

They both stood up and left the two inside the room.

"That's why you have been missing for hours. Right Jichu?," someone asked from the door.

Eunwoo stood up from his seat startled.


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