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" it is good to be back home ," Jisoo said once they boarded their private plane.

" But no kidding, I will miss Paris ," Eunwoo replied, settling down his sunglasses.

" Definitely. that's why I brought their menu home with me ," Jisoo added showing her journal notebook containing all of the recipes and ingredients that the hotel gave her the night that something BIG happened between her and Eunwoo ha ha ha!!!

" Yep. you surely did. you did not let Amelia leave us that night when she badly needed to record her quota that day ," Eunwoo replied, sitting and reading his korean newspaper that the plane had on top of their seat desk.

Jisoo's eyebrows furrowed about what he said.

" I knew you would react just like that. you probably did not know that you did that ," Eunwoo said without even looking at Jisoo.

" Will you just please cut the chase and tell me what exactly happened ," Jisoo replied, rolling her eyes.

" Right, so this is what exactly happened ," Eunwoo began bringing down his newspaper.


Eunwoo and Jisoo already have their first bottle of wine for their last dinner at Paris.

" Yeah! Amelia, can you just please give me the ingredients of this amazing food? I will happily cook it at our house when we get home ," Jisoo said to Amelia a bit tipsy and her cheeks glowing a bit red also.

" Wife, stop bothering her. she can give it to you tomorrow. Amelia still needs to report about her quota for today ," Eunwoo calmly said to his tipsy wife.

" What? but we are going home tomorrow!!! ," Jisoo cutely whines.

" Mrs. Lee is so cute ," a waiter muttered while he is passing by their table.

Eunwoo's ears perk up at what he heard he too was a bit tipsy.

" Hey! I heard you! but I won't get angry at you. but please, she's my wife already ," Eunwoo said.

" Mr. Lee, I am sorry, and yes, she's all yours, sir ," the waiter replied, exhaling at what he heard Eunwoo said.

" Off you go ," Eunwoo ushered the waiter out of their table.

Amelia arrived, holding what looks like a book on her hand.

" What? ," Amelia asked when she saw the waiters' sweaty face.

" I accidentally blurted out what I thought miss and Mr. Lee heard me ," the waiter explained.

" What!? what did he say? ," Amelia got alerted, and she panicked.

" he would not be angry with me and that Mrs. Lee is his wife already ," the waiter replied to her.

Amelia creased her eyebrows, " Is that all? "

the waiter nodded. Amelia exhaled. she was now relaxed about what she heard.

" Go now. I will call you if they need another bottle. remember not all our customers are like him, so please be remindful of your accidental words blurt. is that understood? ," Amelia asked their waiter.

the waiter nodded his head three times.

" Off, you go ," Amelia dismissed him, and he disappeared from the two huge doors.

Amelia found the two korean guests facing each other while making googly eyes like they were flirting teenagers who just got together recently.

" Enjoying yourselves, I see Mr and Mrs Lee ," Amelia said, getting their occupied attention.

Jisoo stood up, hearing her voice, " Amelia, my dear! finally!!! "

" Lower your voice, my wife, someone might got woken up. it is already late ," Eunwoo said to his tipsy wife.

" shh! ," Jisoo replied while showing her finger on her mouth to Eunwoo signaling to be silent.

" Here is your request, Mrs Lee ," Amelia said, giving her the cute little journal notebook that Amelia provided for her recipe requests.

" Aw, this is so cute, Amelia dear! thank you ," Jisoo wholeheartedly replied with her eyes forming like little hearts.


" I did that? ," Jisoo asked.

" Yes, that is why you have that journal with you ," Eunwoo replied, pointing at her notebook on her seat desk.

" That was embarrassing. you also did something embarrassing, right? ," Jisoo asked him again.

Eunwoo did not include the part that he scolded the waiter while complimenting Jisoo to be a drunk cutie.

" Of course not. you are he only one ," Eunwoo said.

" No! I am sure you do! I am a bit tipsy, but my ears are all open that night! ," Jisoo said.

" I think you still have hangover over. You should sleep that out. I am sure we will get exhausted once we arrive in Korea ," Eunwoo said, ignoring her remark.

Jisoo was thinking while sinking on her seat. she is racking her brain to remember something that her husband did.

" Aha! " Then something sink in with her, and she remembered the night also, but all she remembered was the elevator slip of him.

" You startled me, wife! lower your voice, or we might crash ," Eunwoo said to her.

Jisoo points an accusing finger at him.

" You stumble from getting on the elevator! you said that you don't want to ride it because you feel nauseous! ," Jisoo said.

' Thank God that is all that she remembered ,' he thought, exhaling.

" Yeah, I do say that ," Eunwoo replied, nodding his head, but he was still reading his newspaper.

" Coffee? ," the flight attendant ask them while she is pushing a cart with coffee, tea, and cookies to offer to them.

" One, please. thank you ," Eunwoo replied, purposely averting their conversation.

" tea please ," Jisoo said looking at her phone for some news or any entertaining to do rather than watch shows on the television in the plane that did not have any reception just little flash drive behind it.

The attendant gave them what they asked when Jisoo saw a glimpse of her reflection from her phone.

' the flirt one! ,' she thought.

" Thank you ," Eunwoo said.

" Anything for you, sir. cookies? ," the attendant asks, making googly eyes at him.

" yes please for my wife ," Eunwoo replied.

the attendant's face turned sad.

' Haha! deserve ,' Jisoo thought smiling.

" Here ma'am. sir wants to give you this cookie alongside your tea ," the attendant said, giving Jisoo her tea and cookie.

Jisoo smirked.

" Thanks ," she shortly said.

" we are now aboard. please fast in your seatbelts, thank you ," the pilot said.

the attendant immediately went to her place inside the plane to do what the pilot said.

" Korea, here we come ," Jisoo said while sipping her cup of tea.

to be continued

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