1 POV: Kyle

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TW, murder, death. described gore, but i doubt i did well writing it.


"Done!" a voice calls out in pride, followed by the patter of footsteps on hard concrete.

I turn around in the darkness, looking out in the dimly lit cemetery.

A blonde boy, slightly shorter than I, melts from the shadows beside me. "Hello!" he then chirps, happily.

I sigh. "Hi, Kenny. Keep your voice down."

"Mmh, right, sorry."

The eerie cemetery returns to a skin-crawling silence, the atmosphere tense and melancholy with the spirits of the dead.

"Are you ready to go?" Kenny whispers into my ear. I swat him away from my shoulder.

"Almost. One more," is my response, as my gaze pierces the dark.

Faint voices in the distance.

"Please can we go back now? It's dark, and late. I wanna go home." the words spoken from what i assume to be a young female.

"Don't be such a pussy, it's not even dangerous." responds a slightly younger male.

"There's two," Kenny mumbles, watching just as intently as I.

"Hm. About... 15? Give or take," I nod, watching the two silhouettes explore the uneven, pebbled path.

A girl stands on the left, a dimly lit lantern swinging against the gentle breeze. She's hidden mostly by the shadows, but appears to have a thin frame, a hat of some sort, and medium-length hair.

To her right, an overweight boy slightly shorter in height, more confident in his footwork and mannerism as he continues rambling insults to the girl.

"Fucking wimp, stop being such a baby you slut. It's just us here, okay? God," he grumbles, going off ahead of the girl.

"Babe, slow down," she responds, running slightly to keep up.

I hear Kenny scoff beside me. "He's a dick," the blonde whispers, glaring at the two.

"I'm gonna get the girl." I say back, glancing to the pale boy at my side.

"Why? That guy's probably got enough blood to fill a pool."

"Forget blood, he has enough fat on him to end world hunger." I respond, rolling my eyes. "Which is exactly why I'm going for the girl. I'm not that hungry, plus the boy looks... dense."

Kenny nods, humming agreement, before fading back into the shadows while waving goodbye.

Sighing, I stand up, brushing off my clothes - plain, black, "emo" clothings, with the intent of staying camouflaged. Sure, I don't look my most stylish right now, but will a victim really complain about my jacket as they're screaming in agony? I don't think so.

I walk around the large, wilting trees, their leaves crisp and drooping. Each careful step I take leaves an echoing crunch behind, and that's exactly what I require for my plan.

The girl listens, and freezes. Moments pass, as I continue roaming through the outskirts of the graveyard, the crunches below my feet revealing my location.

"Babe? Did you hear that?" she says, her voice wavering in unease. She turns to the left, then to the right, and then to the front. "Babe?"

The fatter boy had roamed off somewhere, too self-absorbed to listen to his surroundings. Hell, he was probably still complaining with the air around him, assuming that who i expect to be his girlfriend was following close behind, taking each degrading comment as if it didn't matter. Talk about NPD as a person.

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