Chapter 17~Horror Game Situations (Part 2)

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I continued to run and run until I came to a door surrounded by bricks and I walked around it but there was nothing there. I walked back to the front and opened the door. A new room appeared and I walked behind it to see nothing was there.

"I'm....losing my mind right?" I asked myself.

I took a look back to see white glowing eyes staring at me.

"Sorry!" I shouted to it as I walked inside the room with the door automatically closing behind me.

I looked around and saw a door with a red button as the side and pushed it. With a woosh, the door slid open to the side.

"SCP-173 HAS BEEN UNLOCKED!!!" A voice shouted on the PA system.

"Scp?" I asked myself.

I walked through the door to find myself in a dark corridor with what seemed like a paper mache doll at the other end of the hallway with a strange design on the face. I stared at it then finally blinked. The doll got closer.

"Ok now I'm losing my mind." I told myself and blinked again.

The doll was now a few feet away. I took a step back and noticed a door button out of the corner of my eye and pushed it. I didn't take my eyes off the damn thing until I had closed the door. I saw there were controls that were labeled "Subject leg break" and "Electromagnetic control".

"SCPs.....Hmmmmmm. Should be interesting!" I shouted and my voice echoed.

The PA system clicked on again.

"Nine Tail Fox has entered the facility." The staticy voice said.

"Nine Tail Fox?" I asked to the empty void.

I turned on a monitor that was near the panel on switches and levers. I saw a man in an orange jumpsuit on what seemed like a torture device and turned on sound. I looked at the button labeled, "Subject Leg Break" and bit my lip.

"I don't wanna but...." I said without continuing my sentence.

I pushed the button and the man screamed in pain. I saw a black spot on the floor appear and a figure come out of it. I flipped the lever that said "Electromagnetic Control" and turned off the sound to the monitor. I couldn't listen to the pain anymore.

"I need a way out..." I said again.

I pushed a button leading out and saw that I had landed in Minecraft. Nothing scary or terrifying can happen in Minecraft right?

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